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Boyd On Merger

USA320Pilot said:
<snip> but I can see how the United merger would end because of antitrust issues, the expanded North American network, and the ability to keep revenue "in-houe". The combined US Airways – America West will fly to almost every current US Airways-United city and it would be better for the merged company to keep the passengers on its own aircraft. In addition, there is going to be much stronger ties with Air Canada, another Star Alliance carrier.
That is all true, but the gov't won't have many anti-trust issues with the codeshare. Perhaps in the west, no where else.

Meawnhile, from an international perspective the new US Airways can book on other international carriers and keep its global network reach intact, whether or not the Arlington-based company code shares with United.
What other international carriers can you book on when you aren't in Star? Just interline all your passengers to whoever offers the cheapest end-on-end fare?

I believe Boyd is right on this subject and by “shunningâ€￾ United again US Airways could end up with keeping United's portion of the code share revenue of up to $250 to $300 million when the merger integration is complete.
You believe what you want to believe. Instead of making up things up why don't you read the 'public' information that you so frown upon?

Will the merged airlines participate in the Star Alliance and the codeshare agreement with United Airlines ?
The merger envisions continued participation in the Star Alliance and code sharing with United Airlines. Now that the merger agreement is complete and announced, we can begin discussions with Star Alliance carriers and United to address the issues.
USA320Pilot said:

Again, you're a joke.

First, my portfolio is just fine. I cashed out my pension in time, did you?
Second, You are the @ss that continues to refer to UAL in a disparaging way. funny, the term was coined by some jack@ss Air Canada pax that was mad because UAL wouldn't move other passengers so he could sit with his ugly troll "lover", so I mean this with great sincerity, you can have all the Air Canada pax you want. the other slams against UAL revolve around the operational performance in the summer of 2000. Ironically, AWA, your 'partner of the week' had similar performancethat summer. noboby noticed though, since that's what they had come to expect there. Low pay, low undependable service, and a very bad reputation, so bad they want YOUR name, enjoy!!

Failed company? Yeah UAL "failed" when the company was attacked by Arab radicals, then the U.S. government. They failed because they had the highest pay and best benefits in the industry. they failed because they had a huge internationa fleet of widebodies they had to continue to pay for despite the collapse in international loads. Yet U failed FIRST. then U failed again. Now U says "we can't survive alone, will someone come bail us out (again)?" I have yet to hear UAL beg for a merger partner. I've yet to hear UAL go crying to the Regionals for financial support, and offer them our slots as collateral. Yet UAL is the "failure"?!

Why is Air Canada willing to offer some (low) level of financial support to U? Quid pro quo. AC fully expects U to put to put more of your fellow employees on the street and ship MX up to them. Even if it's at a higher cost. but you don't care about that. Right? As long you can keep your desperately needed job at any price.

you've been consistantly wrong in the past, including the last time U left BK, you'll prove wrong once again.

But again, since you mention your "portfolio", lets see it. And since you U pilots are so loaded from the fruits of that great company, I guess you'll be taking another paycut to help support the less fortunate employees? BTW, you WILL be taking another paycut. you do know that, right?
USA320Pilot said:
Washed up? I suggest you look at my portfolio and compare it to virtually every United employee. It might not be too bad if I can afford to retire early without an airline pension. Can you?

Uh, and how much of that portfolio is directly related to your wife's family fortune?...
USA320Pilot, huh? You are not one of the youngest pilots at 49!! It says so right here in my senority list. Now, there are a bunch of you between the ages of 47-50, union rep told me that it was around 600. Me, I am 43, so I am in the younger group. You on the otherhand are right smack dab in the middle of the old geezer pilot group. And, why go bragging about a portfolio? WTF does this have to do with this conversation? Everytime you post something like this people just want to b*tch slap you. Leave the UAL people alone. If you haven't noticed the US board is being infested by Sky NAAzis posting the same crap about US Airways that you're posting about UAL. Now be nice...damnit!

The average pilot age is approaching 54 years old, thus I believe at 49 I am part of the youngest group of pilots.

In regard to United comments, I get a little tired of their rhetoric. I have never started a conversation with them that has personal insults and let's be honest here, they did not like the UCT and ICT discussions. That's their venom -- plain and simple.

In regard to portfolio's, the United pilots seem to think that I would be better off if I had stayed at United, but that is not so. I get tired of their "off-base" comments and respond accordingly, but ya' know what, they're not worth it.

I agree with you when you said, "Now be nice...damnit!"


USA320Pilot, okay you're on the 'young end' of the middle. Anyway, who cares what the United pilots think about your finances, but you do feed the fire when you bring "the portfolio" stuff up. If you think the United folks are bad (and IMHO they aren't) just look at the Sky NAAzi attacks all over this board. These folks don't represent a lot of AA employees, but they are full of venom. Now again, "be nice damnit." 😛
Oh, I'm here. Just catching up on my reading after 4 days of flying....

savyinvestor said:
Wife's fortune? No wonder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Savy

It would fit the MO, some narsasitic sense that he's always entitled to something others built..... 🙄
USA320Pilot said:

The average pilot age is approaching 54 years old, thus I believe at 49 I am part of the youngest group of pilots.

In regard to United comments, I get a little tired of their rhetoric. I have never started a conversation with them that has personal insults and let's be honest here, they did not like the UCT and ICT discussions. That's their venom -- plain and simple.

In regard to portfolio's, the United pilots seem to think that I would be better off if I had stayed at United, but that is not so. I get tired of their "off-base" comments and respond accordingly, but ya' know what, they're not worth it.

I agree with you when you said, "Now be nice...damnit!"



You get tired of the rhetoric? LMAO!! you post inflammitory lie after inflammitory lie and then get indignant when someone flames your ill-informed arse? Funny, real funny.