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BOEHNER....and the REPUG.....H.O.R......." C A V E S.......I N " !

Every house member is up for reelection in 2014, lol, the terms in the house are only two years, lol!

Might be good to go back to one party controlling two branches. That would be real good for America.
" ODD " ....that as far as the Fiscal Cliff stuff goes, that UR pissed at Reid, as opposed to Mitch Mcconnell.

Then again, it Not surprising that ....YOU....would... 'come out with'...something... " O D D " !

How much food/GUNS and AMMO did....Der Fuh'rer.....Neil BORSCHT......tell you to Buy Today ?

Did you PAY by check/credit card, or on-line ?


Still waiting on my "Snapcard" !

Good news Barry-O !

"House chooses Boehner as speaker again!"


Still waiting on my "Snapcard" !

Good news Barry-O !

"House chooses Boehner as speaker again!"



Not that I need to convince anyone of the regulars here on the 'cooler, about just How MUCH..YOU are ' F'd UP '.., but here you are gloating about 'BONER being re-elected as speaker.

Good Christ southwind,.......do you think that..That is a Good thing for You and the REPUGS ?
Short of Nanct Pelosi being elected speaker,...' BONER is OUR second choice !! Now Cantor, THAT would have been problematic for us.

After this ' BONER..CAVE-IN job, I'm REALLY starting to believe..' SPARROW, when he says that there's NOT a ' Dimes worth of Difference ' between the ......R's and D's.
EXCEPT with us D's, you pretty much know where we're coming from. (What you see/hear is what you get)
With the P H O N E Y... REPUGS, you've got...TEA Baggers/Douche Baggers/Anti Gay this/Anti Abortion THAT etc.
For Christ's sake. Y O U guys CONTROL the POWERFUL House of Representatives. YOU CLOWNS 'could have' told B O " N O " = NO. NO new taxes, NO money for entitlements, NO unemployment Insurance extentions etc/etc/etc !

Your S-HEAD party has NO/NADA/ZERO/ZILCH......'TESTICLES'. Your Scared-as-HELLL of the Government shutting down, ..... then having the Majority of America....Blaming the GOP (aka NEWT (x 3) in 95' !

I for one am VERY thankfull that the GOP is Truely........"The GIFT that keeps on GIVING"
HELLL, even EL-RUSHBO is sounding massively DEFLATED !

Hey, ...all I can say is........................" FOUR MORE YEARS " : )
It's only going to hurt a little 😛


So your taxes are being raised. Good thing they came out with this Keeping Up With Kongress scenario, and talked of avoiding a total disaster 🙄

Bush said "Read my lips. No NEW taxes!" And then he RAISED your current taxes. There is a difference between raising current taxes and creating new taxes. Just accept the fact that the government is going to get theirs.