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Bob says...TWA will pay big dividends in near future.

When you reply to United Chicago keep in mind that he is not an employee of any airline. He is just someone who wants us all to work for less so he can get cheap tickets.

Bobs "badness" was proportional to his adversaries weakness. It would have been more interesting if he had faced off against real opposition. The Flight Attendants were the only ones who put up any real opposition and they destroyed the myth of invincabilty that Crandall once enjoyed.
On 1/8/2003 2:27:27 PM FrugalFlyer wrote:

I think Lorenzo(Texas Air group) lead the way in labor concessions - and look how that ended up.
On the other hand, UAL had the industry leading contracts, and look where they are right now.
If your employer is so terrible and unfair to labor, then why stay with your current employer? Oh, you love what you do? Then should salary matter?


Yea I do like what I do but I'm not an hier to some fortune so Salary does matter. Who ever came up with this BS line that if you like what you do that you should not be well paid for it? Probably some rich executive who was getting millions a year for doing what he likes to do.
On 1/9/2003 6:52:50 AM Bob Owens wrote:

..........Who ever came up with this BS line that if you like what you do that you should not be well paid for it? .......

Don't know. Probably somebody in response to an airline employee crying about how little he/she makes, but won't go to a better job because he/she loves aviation so much.

All the public hears is how airline workers are overworked and underpaid (from the minimum wage skycaps to the $300000/yr. pilots). Well, if it is so bad, then find another job, either at another airline or in a different industry. I don't understand it, if somebody knows they can make more $$$ elsewhere, why not apply for that job, if salary matters so much? On the other hand, if there is more to a job than salary, then don't complain.

Personally, I don't really care what an airline employee makes, IMHO most are overpaid, but if that is what their union can negotiate / what managment is willing to pay them, then so be it, more power to them and their unions.

BTW, many in management are overpaid as well, but I guess that's what it takes to retain the top talent that is pulling in all the profits for the big airlines these days.
[img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/1.gif']
Bob Owens wrote:

"When you reply to United Chicago keep in mind that he is not an employee of any airline. He is just someone who wants us all to work for less so he can get cheap tickets."

Yes...he's right I don't work for any airline. But he's wrong per usual as I pay close to the highest fare for business. I don't want you all to work less for cheap tickets.

Oh and I call Bob Owens Bob LOTT for his anti semetic post recently on the United board:

"And what day would that be? Hitler did not just go out and slaughter the Jews. He diminished their humanity one step at a time to the point where they walked into the chambers of death. Given the choice between dying in a fight against the Nazi's on the Streets of Warsaw and dying in the Gas Chambers of Aushwitz what would you choose? This is an over dramatisation but the fight is now. You cant only fight when the odds are overwhelmingly in your favor and just plain surrender when they are not. You will die a poor slave before you ever fight with that mentality."

AA: I feel bad for you all that you this anti semeti works for your company.
"AA: I feel bad for you all that you this anti semeti works for your company."


Anti-semitic! My future Sister-in Law would be suprised.
What next?
Anti Asian- Sister-in-Law.
Anti Hispanic- youngest brothers fiancé.

"But he's wrong per usual as I pay close to the highest fare for business. I don't want you all to work less for cheap tickets."

Just because you pay the highest fares does not mean that you want to pay the highest fares. You just want to pay less for the best seats that you buy at the last minute. Thats why you spent weeks telling the employees of UAL that they should accept pay cuts. Dont you have things to do in the industry that you chose to work in? Why do you identify yourself as United Chicago when you do'nt even work for United? Its a little disingenuous.

Frugal Flyer;
Well there is more to it than just the fact that we like what we do. After investing years into a career there is nothing wrong with fighting to preserve what we have earned.

"All the public hears is how airline workers are overworked and underpaid (from the minimum wage skycaps to the $300000/yr. pilots)."

Oh really? And where, besides these boards, would they hear that? Usually the public hears the airlines complaining about labor costs. Then when we defend ourselves we gets remarks from the likes of you saying "just quit" but if we decide to quit collectively you want the government to force us back to work.

What does this have to do with Crandall anyway?
Bob Owens Bob LOTT

Now that is funny!

It's oh so logical that my posts urging UA unions to ratify what their union leadership endoresed only meant that I wanted to pay less for my tickets. Tickets that are actually bought by my client. With no spending cap on travel, I purchase (and bill the client) whatever airfare reflects the most convenient flights. There by providing me with so much incentive to want to pay less.

It's not logical that my desire for the unions to vote for their union leadership endorsed ERP was in order (at that time) to avoid CH11. That's certainly just doesn't make sense does it. I don't know what I was thinking.
On 1/9/2003 9:30:38 PM Buck wrote:

Bob Owens Bob LOTT

Now that is funny!

Simple minds are easily amused.
What are you amused about Bob? Someone thinks they pegged you, by comparing you to Lott. Which is far from the truth. Your anger is showing again. Are you ready to advocate a 13% cut across the board at AA? 13% for Fleet Service base pay. 13% for Mechanics including their license.
Well Bob...even with all your one-sided and jaded perspectives, the BK Judge imposed a 13% reduction. All the posts in the word ain't gonna stop the Judge.

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