Goose, the only people afraid of Bob were people who weren't smart enough to have their ducks in a row.
If you could answer his questions which usually approached an issue from 360 degrees, there was no reason to fear him. If anything, it made us be better managers knowing we had to anticipate all the different directions he could head.
Managers who faced him without knowing their facts got shredded, but would live to see another day. Those who tried to cover things up got eaten alive.
How do you know? I thought you didnt work at AA anymore?
You really think things change that much over two years?
What's funny about your postings (including) all alias' is that you claim to not be associated with AA anymore, yet you are clearly here to defend the worthless management policies that are sinking this airline, and apparently have an agenda to not let one negative comment about the management team go by without some form of AA management slanted answer.
No, Dave. I just won't let obvious mistruths go unquestioned.
Aliases? Please. I used one rather thinly disguised screen name when I came here, which complied to the letter with a directive given to me after I'd agreed let -your- debate with the TWU be conducted on Plane Business. As soon as I left AA, I went back to using my name (which I'd also used on PBBB).
How 'bout you, Dave? You've been posting online for almost eight years as RV4, TWU-I, and a few other pseudo aliases.
What are you so afraid of?
I get flash backs when reading your current USAviation postings of the Plane Business days just before the proxy authorization was shut off to the work force once the bulletin board had been outed for the real reason we were all allowed access on company property to begin with. Maybe your employment status has changed but your job function has not changed one bit in my opinion.
Ah, resorting to your old "bash the rebutter not the rebuttal" tactics.... Believe what you want, Dave.
I have to go close the windowshades, put on the tin-foil hat, and turn off the computer now.... The black-ops guys from HDQ could show up at any minute...