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700UW said:
Very true, the majority of the membership is scared to stand up against the company and do the right thing and take them on.

very true on the employees being at fault..,BUT...if your union cowards in their office and says that since we didnt negotiate it, we are going to keep our mouths shut, and you will have to do what seems right...then I put half the blame on the Union...why didnt the great IAM come out and say...you sorry Bast@#$ds are getting it up the A8S, and we recommend a strike...but NO...they kept their HIGH DOLLAR mouths shut. My question to you is why they are still paying Dues? 😛h34r:
I know where I during ratification I said to vote no on it and vote yes to strike.

You can blame the iron city reps for not taking a stand.

Because by law they have to pay dues.

But people do have a mind and can read, do they have to be told how to vote?
700UW said:
The funny thing is Wolf, Gangwal, Nagin, Siegel and Cohen all have their pensions paid out to them and the current band of thieves at CCY have their pensions fully funded, yet the employees who have sacrificed to keep this company alive got screwed.

SpinDoc Replies:

Kind of makes you wonder why anyone
would join a union from this point forward
knowing that they are under attack by
corporate America. Also makes you
wonder why more people don't go to
Grad school and get an MBA so they can
participate in the upper levels of
corporate management and enjoy the

Unions do nothing but breed employees
who can't think for themselves, can't
determine their own self worth, and are
envious of everyone who CAN do those
700UW said:
I know where I during ratification I said to vote no on it and vote yes to strike.

You can blame the iron city reps for not taking a stand.

Because by law they have to pay dues.

But people do have a mind and can read, do they have to be told how to vote?

I just dont see them getting what they paid for, or are still paying for.
SpinDoc said:
700UW said:
The funny thing is Wolf, Gangwal, Nagin, Siegel and Cohen all have their pensions paid out to them and the current band of thieves at CCY have their pensions fully funded, yet the employees who have sacrificed to keep this company alive got screwed.

SpinDoc Replies:

Kind of makes you wonder why anyone
would join a union from this point forward
knowing that they are under attack by
corporate America. Also makes you
wonder why more people don't go to
Grad school and get an MBA so they can
participate in the upper levels of
corporate management and enjoy the

Unions do nothing but breed employees
who can't think for themselves, can't
determine their own self worth, and are
envious of everyone who CAN do those
but you forgot one thing...They pay for it to happen.
DR.EVIL said:
700UW said:
The IAM is a democratic organization,

That statement is a big JOKE!! If I didn't have a life I could post all the iam's LIES about standing behind what their members vote on. We will never forget the revote scandal of the iam where they stripped the democratic process away from all their members. If the iam gave me a union job like yourself and saved me from commuting I would never be the lap dog that you became.
DR.EVIL said:
with all the "consentual" givebacks by this company's labor groups and your continual diatribe against this person and what they stand for i feel sir you are a big contributor to the problem of why unions are in decline today.
i believe your total accumulated posts have been nothing but an attack against 700uw and what they stand for.you may not agree with their position as some others do not but if you will take the time to digest what they attempt to convey,you will find what is the imbodiment of a defined trade unionist....something you will never know....i feel sorry for you.
steadfastly promoting unionism in the face of the decline across america and why we do not support these ideals,700uw has kept the message on track.....its up to you and i....however i know its only up to me if i have to depend on you.
i have witnessed nothing less than a seething,slimy,perverted treatise from you regarding 700uw.....not once have you provided any substance to the debate....only degradation and insults.attempts at exposing what they are or where they work...you sir should be banished from this forum for i feel you have the succinct qualities of an a-hole.
have a nice day.........