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Black Friday!

MCI transplant

Jun 4, 2003
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:angry: Today a.a. let 330 former TWA employee's walk at MCIe! So much for "fair and equidable"!!!!!
equitable even. They always do this for the holidays, you should know that by now. Christmas is corporate america's favorite time of year to throw people on unemployment. I think it's the scrooge in corporate management that has been clawing to get out all year.
heard a number of management were walked out here in tulsa today not sure of the exact heads but rumor was to be around 70 give or take a few!
MCI transplant said:
:angry: Today a.a. let 330 former TWA employee's walk at MCIe! So much for "fair and equidable"!!!!!
MCI i hate seeing any union brothers or sisters lose their job, but i also realize after 20+ years in this industry how unpredictable this Industry truly can be. I was laid off at Continental before coming to AA and then laid off here after only being here 22 months without bumping rights, it was'nt until 2 1/2 years later that I was recalled. I have made sure since my recall in "95" that I would never be caught off guard again, both my vehicles are paid off, I cut up my credit cards sometime ago, paid off all my debts except of course my mortgage. I feel for those who are suffering especially this time of year because I can Identify but Life goes on and they will rebuild just as i have.
MCI transplant said:
:angry: Today a.a. let 330 former TWA employee's walk at MCIe! So much for "fair and equidable"!!!!!

As per Kansas City star article:

Total gone....................................330
Took retirement incentive..............117
Involuntarily furloughed.................216
Number bumping to other cities......185
Total hitting the street in MCI...........31

Probably some or all of the 31 could have bumped but elected to go to the street instead.

I, along with other nAAtives and former TWA are getting furloughed in JAN. (70% nAAtive and 30% former TWA).
local 12 proud said:
MCI i hate seeing any union brothers or sisters lose their job, but i also realize after 20+ years in this industry how unpredictable this Industry truly can be. I was laid off at Continental before coming to AA and then laid off here after only being here 22 months without bumping rights, it was'nt until 2 1/2 years later that I was recalled. I have made sure since my recall in "95" that I would never be caught off guard again, both my vehicles are paid off, I cut up my credit cards sometime ago, paid off all my debts except of course my mortgage. I feel for those who are suffering especially this time of year because I can Identify but Life goes on and they will rebuild just as I have.
<_< Your a wise man proud! And you say you have 20+ years! I repect that, but today I saw people with 30 years+ walk with no where to go!!! So much for "Fair and Equitable"!!!
MCI transplant said:

Counting 330 from the bottom of the MCIe seniority list, the last person on the list after the layoff has a TWA seniority of 1988 (16 years total). Is that 30 year veteran one of the 117 who is taking the retirement incentive package? Or is it a management or clerical employee?
<_< MCI once again my heart goes out to any one losing a job especially this time of year, but I would think after 30+ years in this I ndustry a person would have made some wise choices, living pay check to pay check always spending more than you make just so you can try to "keep up with the jone's" is the down fall of many Americans. We all make choices in life and if you choose to live on the edge then be prepared to fall!
aafsc said:
Counting 330 from the bottom of the MCIe seniority list, the last person on the list after the layoff has a TWA seniority of 1988 (16 years total). Is that 30 year veteran one of the 117 who is taking the retirement incentive package? Or is it a management or clerical employee?
<_< The one I'm refurring to was out of , what we called "fleet service", a.a. "Aircraft Cleaner"???
MCI transplant said:
<_< The one I'm refurring to was out of , what we called "fleet service", a.a. "Aircraft Cleaner"???
local 12 proud said:
heard a number of management were walked out here in tulsa today not sure of the exact heads but rumor was to be around 70 give or take a few!

Are you sure they were MANAGEMENT? Typically, AA lays off a few clerks and then trumpets how MANAGEMENT is suffering. You know, the "Shared Sacrifice" thing.
twasilverbullet said:
MCI, are you one of those being furloughed?
😉 Thanks for the concern silver, but no, not this time! But as my sources tell me, there are no further aircraft schduled in MCIe, after june 15th. of next year! I realize that's a way off, and a lot can happen between now and then, so we'll see!
Wretched Wrench said:
Are you sure they were MANAGEMENT? Typically, AA lays off a few clerks and then trumpets how MANAGEMENT is suffering. You know, the "Shared Sacrifice" thing.
<_< And yes, we had some of our supervisors walked out today also! :down:
MCI transplant said:
😉 Thanks for the concern silver, but no, not this time! But as my sources tell me, there are no further aircraft schduled in MCIe, after june 15th. of next year! I realize that's a way off, and a lot can happen between now and then, so we'll see!
That is great to hear, I wish you all the best. 🙂 But sad for the others. 🙁