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Feb 28, 2003
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Effective 01 Nov 2007 For NRSAs, Active and Retirees

Complete details in copy of 27 Aug 2007 NEWSREAL below:


Please Post Promptly Monday, August 27, 2007


Today's Special News:

1. United Announces Enhancements to Pleasure
Travel/NRSA Policy


United Announces Enhancements to Pleasure
Travel/NRSA Policy


United is enhancing its pleasure travel policy for
United, United Express and Mileage Plus travel-
eligible employees, retirees and travel-eligible
family members.

Several changes will take effect Nov. 1, 2007:

* First, we will no longer assess service charges
for U.S. domestic and international flights in
United Economy on United and Ted. We will continue
to waive service charges for travel in United
Economy on United Express. Applicable
transportation taxes and fees will continue to

Active Employees only

* Second, Performance Incentive service charge-
waived flight segments, which are provided when we
meet our reliability and customer goals, will have
their usage period lengthen from one year to two
years. This will give employees more time to take
advantage of the awards. Any Performance Incentive
segments that remain in your "bank" as of Nov. 1,
2007, will expire two years after the date of
issuance. You can see how many segments you have by
visiting WebList and clicking "My Coupons."

Active employees only

* Employees who list themselves in United First or
United Business using Performance Incentive segments
but who are ultimately seated in service charge-
waived United Economy will have their Performance
Incentive segments returned to their "bank" of
unused segments.

* Next, we're simplifying the way pleasure travel
service charges for United First and United Business
are calculated that, in many cases, will reduce the
cost. Premium cabin travel prices will be based on
a new zonal fee structure, matching the Zonal
Employee Discount (ZED) service charge structure
currently used on some interline carriers. ZED
pricing is based on the mileage between a point-to-
point origin and destination.

* Premium cabin prices will be discounted 65 percent
off ZED fares for U.S. domestic travel and
discounted 50 percent off ZED fares for
international travel.

* The cost for travel to Hawaii, which we've
traditionally priced separately from other U.S.
domestic travel, will be calculated in the same way
as mainland domestic.

* To assist employees in determining cabin pricing,
the calculator on WebList will soon be updated so
you can quickly and easily see the new pricing.

* To make premium cabin pricing more consistent
between mainline and United Express, we will be
introducing the discounted ZED service charges for
travel in the United First cabin on United Express.

* Finally, in the first quarter of 2008, United
employees, retirees and travel-eligible individuals
will board United Express flights based on company
hire date or years and months of service, according
to United's travel policy. This will replace the
current boarding at BP-8C, same day, time of check-
in policy.

* As always, United Express employees will board
first on their own carrier, before other non-
revenue, space-available travelers. For example,
when the aircraft is operated by SkyWest, the
boarding priority would be the SkyWest traveler, the
United traveler, and then other United Express
partner travelers.

* Separately, we are reviewing our companion travel
policy and will keep you posted if we make any
changes to this travel privilege.

"We are pleased to introduce these enhancements to
our travel policy," says Pete McDonald, executive
vice president and chief operating officer. "The
changes are an acknowledgement of the value we place
on our employees and our commitment to improving the
employee experience, while making our travel policy
more consistent across the company and more
competitive within the industry."

A letter that details these changes will be mailed
to employees and retirees in the near future.

Gee, even stingy-ass US Airways has free travel. Why else would anyone work at an airline?
Gee, even stingy-ass US Airways has free travel. Why else would anyone work at an airline?

Retirement, pay and benefits. :lol:
Given you can't even get on an aero’plane, I find their ignominious generosity hollow.
Retirement, pay and benefits. :lol:
Given you can't even get on an aero’plane, I find their ignominious generosity hollow.
Well said and oh, so true, UAL_TECH. I'll bet officers, board members and their families don't have the same problem. All the best to you.
So how long now before they announce directors and above get positive space travel whenever they travel. This supposedly has been in the works for months.

Heard ALPA opposed this and agreed to only allow managing directors and above this priviledge, because including directors was too many people. Then heard the company turned around and elevated well over 70% of directors to managing directors, thus getting around the agreement.

With as much senior management UA has all these positive space management will have an affect on any lower paid smucks traing to get away for a cheap vacation or commute to work.
So how long now before they announce directors and above get positive space travel whenever they travel. This supposedly has been in the works for months.

Heard ALPA opposed this and agreed to only allow managing directors and above this priviledge, because including directors was too many people. Then heard the company turned around and elevated well over 70% of directors to managing directors, thus getting around the agreement.

With as much senior management UA has all these positive space management will have an affect on any lower paid smucks traing to get away for a cheap vacation or commute to work.

Internal policies do not have to be announced nor published.