Bid Sheets


May 30, 2011
Hi All,

I've a question a bit geekish perhaps... I'd like to be able to input AA bid sheets into computer form, then one could more easily write a program or such to make trip selection easier...

Also a bit of a hobby - and fun...

There is a .PDF - most complete info - complete non-parseable. I know it's what most F/As use. There is a .TXT file for people to read *and* it is parseable. Have done that...

There are also *data* files that are *for* computers. I'm guessing the source of the eventual readable forms...

There is a .Bxx (xx seems to be for month of the year - 05 for May etc.) which primarily defines the days of the month layout of a bid. A .Sxx that defines most aspects concerning a sequence. Finally the last of the useful files (with my current understanding) is the .Zxx, which defines the layover hotels of a particular airport.

I've gotten quite a bit of info from these files, but not enough! Quite a bit of info in those computer files I have not been able to figure out its place - and hope they tie in missing info...

Does anyone details on the field info of these files - or where such info could be found?
Also very helpful is if I could also get timetable flight info so that I can get depart/arrival times for the src/dst airport and flight # given in the data - via the computer...

Thanks - and take care,
There is and has been such a program available for PCs for a number of years. (I purchased a copy from the pilot who wrote it back in 2001.) Also, the company has developed an on-line bidding program accessible through the website that does most of what anyone would want in an automated bidding system. I use it every month. I haven't used the PC program for years. The on-line program provided by the company is more than adequate. If you are looking for an opportunity to make some money, I would look elsewhere if I were you.

P.S. If you are not an AA flight attendant, I would not reveal who gave you access to the bidding files. It could get them fired.
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There is and has been such a program available for PCs for a number of years. (I purchased a copy from the pilot who wrote it back in 2001.) Also, the company has developed an on-line bidding program accessible through the website that does most of what anyone would want in an automated bidding system. I use it every month. I haven't used the PC program for years. The on-line program provided by the company is more than adequate. If you are looking for an opportunity to make some money, I would look elsewhere if I were you.

P.S. If you are not an AA flight attendant, I would not reveal who gave you access to the bidding files. It could get them fired.

Not looking to make money or trouble - for anyone - and kept quite private... This is @jimntx

There are some shortcomings as far as total flights listed on the bids - breakdown of indiviidual place visited within the day - and etc. These are available in the raw bid data, but not on the readable sheets. Not sure if they are available on some of the online services - not many consider it important...

So there are reasons - anyone with some info perhaps?
Very nice is if someone could steer me to any access - online or local PC - that can give hours for a arr/dep airports codes and a flight # in the form of raw stream data (not website results)... There are freely available timetables for PC, but the files are daunting as they look like database files. I could do with something that allows a simple online SQL Query and returned the data from the web. I could then patch it in to the database of the raw bid data -- have the complete info sought...

Thanks! Steve