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Ben Carson WILL run as a Third Party Candidate, IF ..........

What I see as very interesting is how Rubio, Cruz and Carson polling inside the margin against HC.
Its been a fun ride for the country and political correctness. 
His greatest contribution may be vocalizing many who have been silent too long.
eolesen said:
Yeah, I don't think this year will be a coronation like what we're seeing with the Dems, or with giving the next Establishment guy "his chance" as we saw with Romney.

If anything, the establishment candidates seem to be the ones faring the worst right now.
If the establishment candidates are doing the worst and Trump is not going to be'it' that would leave Carson and we all know he can't be 'it'.  Cruz is about as establishment as they come.  How is the party going to switch from anti-establishment whackos to an establishment whacko?  That's going to be a hard sell.  
Cruz is too scared to go after Trump (might be waiting for Trump to turn into a lawn dart) but at some point Trump will light Cruz up like he has done with everyone else.  
I can't wait for the primaries.  I'm dying to find out how this starts to pan out.
I think you missed the boat on an establishment Cruz.
Establishment despise Cruz.
Cruz would be a good prez........a Bible in every bookshelf......LOL
Cruz as an establishment candidate? Now that's funny.

Rand Paul is more establishment than Cruz.
Ifly2 said:
It's early.

Bush maybe picks Rubio as his second, or maybe Kasich depending on what The Party pollsters tell him to do.
There's no way that a party that is struggling to appeal to a broad range of people who have nothing to gain from that party will allow a top-of-th-ticket combo from the same state--particularly a Southern state.  Bush-Rubio is a non-starter.  Now, Kasich in an interesting idea.  He's literate, experienced and in no danger of falling off the edge of center-right politics.  The man actually has a brain  More importantly, he has a personality (which is definitely lacking in Bush boy).  May make up for the fact that Bush is more boring that unseasoned mashed potatoes.
Also, I'm not convinced that Christie is a dead subject.  Let's wait until after the New Hampshire primary before we call for last rites on him.  The people being polled are not necessarily the people who will be voting.  And, New Hampshire voters have never been known (as best I remember) of voting for the loonies of either party.
I think you missed the boat on an establishment Cruz.
Establishment despise Cruz.
Cruz would be a good prez........a Bible in every bookshelf......LOL[/quote

That Bible in every bookshelf will be mandated, of course.

As will tithing and noon prayers
jimntx said:
There's no way that a party that is struggling to appeal to a broad range of people who have nothing to gain from that party will allow a top-of-th-ticket combo from the same state--particularly a Southern state.  Bush-Rubio is a non-starter.  Now, Kasich in an interesting idea.  He's literate, experienced and in no danger of falling off the edge of center-right politics.  The man actually has a brain  More importantly, he has a personality (which is definitely lacking in Bush boy).  May make up for the fact that Bush is more boring that unseasoned mashed potatoes.
Also, I'm not convinced that Christie is a dead subject.  Let's wait until after the New Hampshire primary before we call for last rites on him.  The people being polled are not necessarily the people who will be voting.  And, New Hampshire voters have never been known (as best I remember) of voting for the loonies of either party.
I actually agree with your premise. If Cruz is not the nominee, I think a Christie/Rubio or Rubio/Christie could be a real winner.

I think Christie could be a good President. I don't agree with many of his policies, but he would do no harm. He is doing some serious pandering now, that all of them must do in order to win any primary challenge in today's 10 second sound bite political world.
jimntx said:
 And, New Hampshire voters have never been known (as best I remember) of voting for the loonies of either party.
Good to hear! That should alleviate Clinton and Sanders, from the race then.
Can't you guys see the disgusting  'Bromance' between  T-Rump and Cruz ?
Cruz is angling for Trumps  VP  spot,.....AND the Donald  WILL WIN, and take him to pick up the Tea Party Nuts, and  Whack job Christian Bible (tub) Thumpers. (Why do you think Cruz is doing so well in Iowa)  ' HELLO '     !!!
No one on that stage is getting any minority votes, but a Trump/Cruz ticket encompasses everything else.  only problem is....that it will be...STILL  be...close but, ' NO CIGAR ' on 11/08/2016  !!
Disgusting Bromance? That sounds like you hate gays. Are you racist too?
If you don't support Carson, you are!

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