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Ben Carson hops on the crazy train again.

Like the article pointed out, it was probably a graphic designer who just screwed up. More concerning from the article is this:

"A 2006 survey commissioned by National Geographic found that six in 10 young Americans couldn't find Iraq on a map of the Middle East, and half couldn't place New York on a map of the United States. Geographic literacy matters for "navigating the international economy or understanding the relationships among people and places that provide critical context for world events," the survey concluded.

"The United States lags behind the rest of the world in both the quality and quantity of every aspect of geography education," the National Geographic writes in its Geography Awareness Week materials."
How the hell do you run for national office and not know who is in NATO?  Seriously?
I think part of the problem throughout the world right now is that our allies cannot be 100 percent certain that we’re behind them,” Carson said Wednesday on Hewitt's radio show. “We need to convince them to get involved in NATO and strengthen NATO.
They are already in NATO you moron.
He then starts to talk about the Sunni and Shiite uniting to fight the US.  Seriously?  This is like the pyramids BS.
Right now, they’re fighting each other in Iraq, admittedly,” Carson said, according to the Hill. “But in the long run, I think they would gladly unite against us in their attempt to destroy the United States, our way of life, and Israel. And we have to be extraordinarily careful about any alliances with them.”
They have been fighting each other for 1500 years and this guy think they will stop now?  WTF.  Who believes this is a possibility?  Bueller?  BUELLER?????????
He also has talked about a Palestinian state.  
We need to look at fresh ideas,” said Carson. “I don’t have any problem with the Palestinians having a state, but does it need to be within the confines of Israeli territory? Is that necessary, or can you sort of slip that area down into Egypt? Right below Israel, they have some amount of territory, and it can be adjacent. 
Carson does not have a freaking clue about what the fight over Palestine is about.  Not a clue.
Ms Tree said:
How the hell do you run for national office and not know who is in NATO?  Seriously?
They are already in NATO you moron.
He then starts to talk about the Sunni and Shiite uniting to fight the US.  Seriously?  This is like the pyramids BS.
They have been fighting each other for 1500 years and this guy think they will stop now?  WTF.  Who believes this is a possibility?  Bueller?  BUELLER?????????
He also has talked about a Palestinian state.  
Carson does not have a freaking clue about what the fight over Palestine is about.  Not a clue.
There you go again...
Ms Tree said:
You fit in just perfect with the other right wingers here. Just ignore the inconvienient questions.
Err......Kinda like you and the rest of the Libtards did when BaRack was running?
townpete said:
Or what you gonna do? Beat him with your fairy pixie wand?
You dont like the inexperience of Obama but the inexperince of Caron is fine. Just another case of your hypocrisy. What elese is new.
Ms Tree said:
You dont like the inexperience of Obama but the inexperince of Caron is fine. Just another case of your hypocrisy. What elese is new.
Carson has mountains more experience then OblowHole.
You just don't like him because he's black.
townpete said:
Carson has mountains more experience then OblowHole.
You just don't like him because he's black.
Ok. Ill start.

He's a surgeon.

What else?
Traymark said:
And right there, he far surpassed anything BaRack accomplished.

Yet we were discussing experience as it translates to the Presidency. So unless someone in the WH is having a brain aneurysm Im not sure how this translates to the office.

Someone said there is mountains of experience. So, what are some of these experiences? It's obviously not archaeology since he thinks the pyramids were built for grain storage. He obviously has no grasp of history since be thinks the Sunni and Shiite who have been fighting for 1,500 years are going to magically going to unite against the US. He obviously has no clue about international relations as he does not know the members of NATO. He thinks that the Palestinian home land can just be moved to some part of Egypt.

I posted the question 5 hours ago, you would think someone would have been able to post at least one of the multitude of experiences he has.
Ms Tree said:

Yet we were discussing experience as it translates to the Presidency. So unless someone in the WH is having a brain aneurysm Im not sure how this translates to the office.

Someone said there is mountains of experience. So, what are some of these experiences? It's obviously not archaeology since he thinks the pyramids were built for grain storage. He obviously has no grasp of history since be thinks the Sunni and Shiite who have been fighting for 1,500 years are going to magically going to unite against the US. He obviously has no clue about international relations as he does not know the members of NATO. He thinks that the Palestinian home land can just be moved to some part of Egypt.

I posted the question 5 hours ago, you would think someone would have been able to post at least one of the multitude of experiences he has.
Welp, If the only qualifier for our current president is a "community organizer" then the esteemed Dr Carson has it beat by light years.
We get it, you're not going to vote for xxx republican candidate. Ever.
So please explain how a old batsh*t crazy socialist or a rich old white haggard woman is any better.
So as usual you have nothing. You make a claim, get called out on it to prove it and you run away like a scalded dog. We can tell you have nothing because in your post you do not cite a single example of this mountain of experience you claim he has. All you can do is try and turn the argument around and drag Obama into it as some sort of justification for Carsons incompetence.

Out of the current crop I do not see a republican I would consider.

We also get it. You will never vote for a democrat .. ever. What's your point?

So do you have any other experiences that Carson has other than being a surgeon? Anything that would translate to the presidency?

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