I appreciate the reply ....and you are definitely not too late, as I am still gathering information on a daily basis as time permits. I will be sending you a PM when I get a chance to do so, as I am very interested in hearing from the fellow who has his TC class 1 medical despite the loss of a lower limb. I want to make 110% sure that I have all my bases covered and have done my homework before I approach TC. Take care and I will be catching you on the flip side!
I look in here when ever I have a spare minute! I appreciate the response Like I mentioned above I'm a research bug! From past experiences both good and bad I am going to get out of this career exactly what I put into it!
This site is a great learning tool for potential pilots/mechs needing information from experienced aviators that have already jumped through the hoops and made it to the top. Thanks again to all that have responded!