Beech King Air 200 Service communique 2000-104


Feb 27, 2008
The maintenance manual calls for the use of a specific travel board that only Beechcraft sells and it costs over $10000 but there is the SC 2000-104 that allows you to use other means of doing the required checks. Unfortunatley the communique is over 90 days old so I cant get it without paying for a subscription. I am working for a Government contractor so need to have the communique on file or get this 10000 dollar board that I will only use once a year not cost affective. The factory service rep told me about the communique but of course cant send it to me. That is why I am asking if anyone has a copy of it that they can send me. The procedure is basically strap a board to the horizontal stab to inssue the rudder is zeroed and mark the location on the cardboard that is placed right under the rudder. Then remove the board and measure degrees of travel in both directions and check to be sure they are within limits. easy enough but cant do it that way without the communique on file. Does anyone have this communique they can email me?