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Back On The Hub


Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
I don't know about all furloughees and retirees but this furloughee is back on the hub. Thank you whoever did the work to make this happen.


Also, can someone assist me? Which should I trust?

Flt 860 on 4/20: The hub says 5 coach with 0 listed, phone says 0 coach with 2 listed. The hub says 14 first class with 0 listed, the phone says 23 first class with 2 listed.

I'll use either one but would like to choose the correct one. My Denver experience was that the phone system was the more accurate of the two.

Also, can someone assist me? Which should I trust?

Flt 860 on 4/20: The hub says 5 coach with 0 listed, phone says 0 coach with 2 listed. The hub says 14 first class with 0 listed, the phone says 23 first class with 2 listed.

I'll use either one but would like to choose the correct one. My Denver experience was that the phone system was the more accurate of the two.


Well, whenever I have found a large disparity such as your describing, USUALLY the computer is more accurate (west experience) I would check both systems again after several hours have passed. If there still is a large disparity I would call the non-rev US East number. US Airways Non-Rev Telephone Number: (800) 325-9999
Who would you contact about not being able to access the HUB ? Since I cannot access it to contact someone, does someone have a E mail or number I can call?

Who would you contact about not being able to access the HUB ? Since I cannot access it to contact someone, does someone have a E mail or number I can call?


As of 1300 CDT on Monday, April 17, login issues experienced by retirees, furloghees and employees on leave of absence have been resolved.

If you continue to encounter problems logging in, contact the EDS Help Desk at (336) 744-6000. If they are unable to resolve the problem please send a message to Compass@usairways.com