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AZ Republic: Mesa ranked low


Mar 22, 2004
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From the AZ Republic about Mesa, who flies America West Express and US Airways Express, also has results for US Airways

Report ranks Mesa Air low
Regional airline had most cancellations, complaints

Dawn Gilbertson
The Arizona Republic
Mar. 2, 2006 12:00 AM

Mesa Air Group fared poorly in its first appearance in the monthly U.S. customer-service rankings.

The Phoenix-based regional airline, which operates as America West Express, United Express and the Delta Connection, had the most cancellations and customer complaints in January, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation's Air Travel Consumer Report.

Mesa came in next to last in baggage handling and in the bottom five in on-time arrivals among the 19 airlines tracked each month.

Mesa Chief Executive Officer Jonathan Ornstein said the airline is at the mercy of the major airlines for which it flies commuter routes. In most cases, he said, Mesa doesn't handle its own schedule, bags or flight cancellations.

A big problem in January, he said, was bad weather in Chicago. United could operate only so many flights on certain days and elected to cancel a lot of Express flights, he said.

"It's hard to be accountable for things you have no control over," he said.

Tempe-based US Airways, in its first month ranked as a single airline after the America West-US Airways merger, fared better. It ranked fourth in on-time performance behind Hawaiian, Southwest and Frontier. The company counts only major airlines (those with $1 billion or more in annual sales) in an employee incentive program and on that basis, it ranked second.

Employees receive a $50 bonus every time the airline is in the top three. Workers get $50 more if the airline cracks the top three in fewest customer complaints, but that hasn't happened yet.

In January, US Airways ranked 12th. The rate of complaints was 1.28 per 100,000 boardings vs. 7.66 in January 2005.

"You'll remember that just last month, we were in last place for customer complaints," US Airways Operations Chief Al Crellin told workers. "So this is a great showing for the entire US Airways team."
Please, J.O. needs mercy on himself. It's so funny how most people have no clue the difference between the mainline carrier and the express carrier but even Betty from the trailer park knows who Mesa is. It's sickening that our FF's will avoid us because of Mesa. "They're at the mercy of the mainline carriers" YEAH RIGHT!!! Why don't you go pinch another penny out of your employees Orenstein.
Please, J.O. needs mercy on himself. It's so funny how most people have no clue the difference between the mainline carrier and the express carrier but even Betty from the trailer park knows who Mesa is. It's sickening that our FF's will avoid us because of Mesa. "They're at the mercy of the mainline carriers" YEAH RIGHT!!! Why don't you go pinch another penny out of your employees Orenstein.
USAirways Express is very unreliable
USAirways Express is very unreliable

Typical brilliant insight from jj

I can't for the life of me figure out WTF your problem is.

I would've thought that even you could tell the difference between the different express carriers, but perhaps not. From your perch on your high horse anything that says "Express" on it is &*@# and those employees are second-class citizens.

As if you cared...last 11 months of PSA completion factor:

MAR 05 98.0
APR 05 98.0
MAY 05 98.0
JUN 05 96.0
JUL 05 96.5
AUG 05 97.5
SEP 05 98.5
OCT 05 97.5
NOV 05 98.5
DEC 05 98.0
JAN 06 97.5

But what do you care? That's right, you don't. I'm just sick of your BS negativity.
As a HP Chairman/US Gold... I have to say, I avoid Mesa regularly with UA E+ flights on TED. Recently, I avoided a Mesa Flight from ONT-PHX then PHX-ICT... instead had UA TED to Denver and UA 737 to ICT. I feel like I am cramped in a can for 2 hours from PHX-ICT... at least on UA I get extra legroom.

If it was HP mainline, I would stay HP... but Mesa on longer flights are painful... bring the E170s... quickly!
As a HP Chairman/US Gold... I have to say, I avoid Mesa regularly with UA E+ flights on TED. Recently, I avoided a Mesa Flight from ONT-PHX then PHX-ICT... instead had UA TED to Denver and UA 737 to ICT. I feel like I am cramped in a can for 2 hours from PHX-ICT... at least on UA I get extra legroom.

If it was HP mainline, I would stay HP... but Mesa on longer flights are painful... bring the E170s... quickly!

the e170s are not flown by us airways anymore starting in may. they are now flown by republic air which is just like mesa. except they also pop the evacuation slides on the plane all the time and you can't put anything in your seat or seat pocket