

Oct 31, 2004
Does anyone know what sort of licence you need to fly in Australia?
Do you have to get a Australian Licence or can you fly there with a U.S or Canadian licence?
Firehawk - If you want to fly a helicopter you need a helicopter licence and if you want to fly a bug smasher then you need a bugsmasher licence :D :D :D

Seriously I would just about guarantee that you will need to change over to an Aussie licence of whatever type you have. The only exceptions are like McDermotts 214Bs that are still on the US register, those guys flying them have to have a US licence.

If you want me to find out more info then email me details of what licences you have and what you are trying to do there.

Heli Ops
What are you thinking of FireHawk?
Got that fire-bug and wanna fight flames for 2 seasons a year? The snow-bunnies at Mica will miss you......
If it's sheep that you're after, better to go to NZ :D

Hollywood is on his way to Whitehorse this AM to drink with the TNTA boys for 2 weeks, but got drunk and took a turn for a blonde AC stew (oops, Flight Attendant) and missed his connection in YVR. We should read about his trip in the Saturday edition of the Vancouver Sun ;)
Heli-Ops I would be very interested as well, if you could PM me with any info. Your time is much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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that would be great if you have some info, A buddy of mine just went down there for a month to work and I didnt have time to ask him if he had to get a different licence.

Sounds like Hollywood hasnt changed much. Women and Booze.
I will be staying where Iam for awhile, Iam just in the middle of getting my U.S licence. The lodge honeys will have to put up with me for another season in Mica.

As fas as NZ goes Cylic Monkey has been down there for abit now so I think he's claimed a dozen or so Sheep.
Been there, done that. You need to convert your Cdn license to an Aussie one (CASA). Same as here, you'll need to get an Aussie cat 1 medical, you'll have to do a written exam (which costs 50AUD) on air law, (open book, but the books weigh in at around 40 lbs and cost around 150AUD if I remember correctly, and it ain't easy !!), you will also have to do a flight test. All the above is assuming that Aus Immigration gives you a work permit.

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Thanks Randy G, I was just curious to what you have to have, as I have a friend that just went down there, I didnt ask him what he had to do, I dont think I'll be heading that way anytime soon but was curious. Thanks again.
Air leg. isn't quite that bad, just have to know enough to cope with open book questions ;)

A recent escapee from the frozen North is currently being prep'd in our hangar for contract work in Tasmania:

Heli - is the machine in Heli Resources hangar. Is it down there for the fire season or heading to the ice.

Heli Ops
Heli Ops said:
Heli - is the machine in Heli Resources hangar. Is it down there for the fire season or heading to the ice.
No, it's at Essendon, for fire duties in Tas. On contract to National Screw Ups Anonymous, via Helicorp (Mark Robbo).
Knew they got the contract with the Cranes but didnt realise they got mediums for Tassie as well. God knows what the 205 crew will do, as I dont think they have had many fires in tassie for the past couple of years.

And regards to AFAC they couldnt find their backside with a roll of toilet paper in the other. The whole RFP for this season has been a Cluster F since the start.

Anyway off that subject. :down:

Noticed your statement at the end of your postings,

NZ - Where Men Are Men And The Sheep Run Scared.

As part of the commonwealth I think you should approach Agriculture Canada to send down one of their farm inspectors for the sheep.

This is a true story from " AGRICULTURE CANADA"

One day an Agr. Can. approached a farm an explained to the farmer the following;

You know the Federal Government has a policy of bilingualism French/English and the policy was not working that well.

SO, Ag/Can decided to opt out of sending people on French/English courses and instead sent them on courses to be able to converse (talfk for newf's) with the animals.

The farmer looked at him kind weird of like and decided this was another weirdo from Ottawa, here to help.

The inspector asked if he could go and talk to the cows in the field, farmer said ok.

Away he goes and the farmer watch's as he talks to the cows and the cows are nodding their head wagging their tales and moooooing back.
The inspector comes back, informs the farmer that the food level should be increased and that when installing the automatic milkers, to be a little more gentel and they will respond by giving more milk. Farmer says OK.

Next is the horses, same scenario, horses stomp their feet, nod their heads and ask for more oats so that they can haul bigger loads. Farmer says OK.

Next is the rooster & ckickens, same scenario, the rooster is asked how things are going and responds Cockadooodelllldooo, the chickens respond with any cock will do, but we need more corn if you want more action.

The farmer is looking at the inspector with admiration at his abilitay to talk to the animals with such good results.

The last is the sheep herd and the inspector asks permission to talk to the sheep, the farmer says ok, but do not believe any thing those lying bastards will say.

Cheers, Don
Were sending a 214 downunder to go work for McDermott aviation. He and the crane are the only machines under contracts. Very expensive undertaking to and sit on speck. It is sure nice to know that i will have to miss the canadian winter B) This machine is TWZ with fresh paint and componants TAT 16,000 hours.
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That picture you put on has my buddy there, You must do me a favor and when you see him again, (He is the bald guy in the pic) call him MR.Flint and tell him you were talking to Beagle. I would love to see the look on his face when you call him that, He'll be wondering where the hell you heard that when he is so far away from home, Dont worry it isnt anything bad, he'll get a good laugh out of it.
He is a good man and one of Canada's best on the line.