Attn Awa Employees


Jul 24, 2005
Dear AWA employees,

As you know by reading on this board that US currently has the EMB 170 which has 72 pax seats and the option for EMB 190 which can hold over 100 pax and the 195 which can hold i believe 116 pax. The planes are very similar to airbus as far as the cabin goes. I just wanted to let you guys know that our management is trying to sell them off with many of the routes. As you know we are shedding our 737s and I would be willing to bet that if the express carriers get ahold of these 170s and 190s then the new USAIRWAYS can kiss alot of the mainline flying goodbye. We are trying to do everything we can to keep the transaction from going through. Spread the word through AWA and tell everyone you can, the more they contract these mainline planes out to express carriers such as Republic Airways the less jobs it will be for mainline people, much less jobs. Right now we are flying PHL-IAH, DFW,ATL,ORD,PVD etc. all mainline destinations.... If this transaction goes through all of our mainline flying will be cut way down at the new USAIRWAYS!!! GOOD LUCK to us all and spread the word to pilots f/a and gate agents to help in this fight!
With all due respect, what is spreading the word going to do? We honestly are at the mercy with this company. They won't even honor a contract, let alone listen to what we have to say.
goodgirl37 said:
Dear AWA employees,

As you know by reading on this board that US currently has the EMB 170 which has 72 pax seats and the option for EMB 190 which can hold over 100 pax and the 195 which can hold i believe 116 pax.

Just a small correction.....

Under current US ALPA scope the Emb-195 is not allowed. Also, as TBone pointed out on the US forum, the Emb-190 is only allowed at an affiliate if US orders them and then can't take delivery (notice "can't", not "chooses not to"). That's not to say that the scope language couldn't change, however.

I was glad to see that the HP pilots took a stand on the Emb-190's - unlike US ALPA other than a comment that they didn't want anything that would violate the HP ALPA agreement.

They said 170s couldn't be flown by anyone but mainline/MAA. They said 190s could only be at mainline, and now it's 25 if this happens or that happens... US Airways, Republic, SkyWest and Air Wisconsin sure think they can have 190s at an affiliate. ALPA has allowed pretty much any scope adjustment they've asked for and the airline and it's jobs are 45% smaller because of it.

US will probably have the entire family in the system and I seriously doubt they would place 195s at mainline when the time comes while they have contractors operating the same type with less seats. That would be like having and express operate A319s, but we'll keep the 320 at mainline! Right...

Once the 170 is gone, they all are.
I agree totally, they are already gone. The E170 has had express painted on it from day one and nobody had the insight back then as to what was happening.
Does not matter what company you are at now. I would get the resumes togther and get ready to bail out. I have been through this merger thing before with TWA and American, and it was not a pretty thing for either work group unless you had a lot of seniority and were older than dirt.
HP has lived with 86-seat jets being flown by Mesa for over 3 years. You're preaching to the choir.
I am sorry, but some things change in a merger and some things go to create the needed economy of scale. This just might be one of those things changing to secure the new USAirways moving into the future. Do you think everything should stay the same and the new airlines should fall apart like the old USAirways?

Perhaps, when entering a hospital having a heart attack (like USAirways is) the doctor should tell me to keep eating cheesburgers and cheese pizza or you can take the advice and change your habits (in steps America West) and keep living.
AA191 said:
I am sorry, but some things change in a merger and some things go to create the needed economy of scale.  This just might be one of those things changing to secure the new USAirways moving into the future.  Do you think everything should stay the same and the new airlines should fall apart like the old USAirways?

Perhaps, when entering a hospital having a heart attack (like USAirways is) the doctor should tell me to keep eating cheesburgers and cheese pizza or you can take the advice and change your habits (in steps America West) and keep living.

Hi there, no need to apologize because what you are saying makes very little sense to begin with.

What are you talking about anyway? Do you even know what an E190 is? Or that no one operates them yet? What would entail "staying the same", oh dear AA friend? What is your cheeseburger/change example in reference too?

Both airlines already contract out the majority of thier Express flying which has resulted in an appalling product, skyrocketing CASM, and outrageous fee per departure agreements... why do the same to mainline? If you were to change something, like what I think you're getting at in the heart attack scenario, it would be to stop the disease of outsourcing, and draw a line at full-on narrowbody flying.

If AA wants to "change it's habits" and let American Connection fly the MD80s (oh sorry, "Super" 80 "Luxury" Liners) instead of do it themselves, then you guys go for it. But we here at HP/US would like to fly our own planes, thank you.

If we are a recovering heart attack patient in the hospital, we can do without the advice of the nosey, delusional oldtimer in the next bed who is just now going into cardiac arrest. You stay behind your curtain and eat your jello.

Question - why hasn't more of the press picked up on this story? E-190s being bid on by affiliates? AmWest pilots and f/a's saying "no way". Where are the stories?
It's not just the AWA folks saying no... The US "MAA" employees have been trying to stop this from the beginning. The solidarity of the E170 pilots is especially noteworthy.