INT I'm sure is as bad as PIT, there used to be a time when we enjoyed going to we just want everything to be over with one way or the other...some can't wait to go and others are holding on to hope that things will turn around, and the employee groups will be appreciated somewhere down the road....It's like a revolving door in/out of the sups cubes these days....not to mention our door code changes daily due to those just walking out and some with attendance issues.....etc.....the stress level is high...needless to say....
INT RES is bad and getting worse. The sad part is that I like INTL and INTL AWARDS but I am so tired and burned out from the constant *numbers pressure*, as are most people. Adherence reports are being pulled a lot more, it seems, and customer service is out the door. 🙁
There is a small, but telling, difference between "should not have a problem" and "will not have a problem." Don't assume anything that is not in writing.
After 5000 years of fighting among those Semitic first cousins, there should be peace in Palestine.
This proposal is aweful!. How could the CWA leadership even bring this to a vote?
You gotta be kidding!
Vote to outsource your job...
Do you really think anybody is going to get any BUYOUT money?...LOL
It is the old carrot and the stick game....
Anybody given possibly false hope of a FUTURE BUY-OUT in 15 months, if the company is in business...or has that kind of cash..or decides to go back to Judge Mitchell and says, "We don't have the cash to pay thes "Buy-Outs"...we are just trying to continue to survive"....
Like PT Barnum said "a sucker is born every day"....
Go ahead...pick the buy-out....sell your house....move to Winston Salem or Pittsburgh for 15 months.... and pray you see a nickel of that "Buy-out" cash....LOL
Don't be naive....Do you trust that the company is gonna pay thousands of employees ALL THAT CASH ?
Don't be naive....Do you trust that the company is gonna pay thousands of employees ALL THAT CASH ?
I really do not believe in much that upper upper upper management says, actually I don't believe anything that comes from anyone except my immeadiate supervisor whom I trust and respect.... Anyway, all of that aside, I will plan on the TA passing, and if it does I will take the buyout. There are too many other things that I could be doing with my life and all of them are more constructive than being a cog in the machine at U, and the possibility of a buyout is enough to keep me going. Just give me something to think about and hope for.....
Either that or let me see the image of USA320pilot standing at an intersection with a sign reading "will fly for food".....
OK, so I guess I am saying I need hope or a good chuckle right now. Before someone flames me let me add that seeing other people in dire situations gives me no joy, but pretentious diva pilots in dire yet nonthreatening situations makes me laugh my hiney off.
My understanding of it, is that if you take the buy-out optiion you "have to stay with the company for another 15 can't leave before then...and you have to be willing to move to either Pittsburgh or Winston Salem and work for another 15 months...until April possibly get your buy-out.....The amount said is BEFORE ALL TAXES...And the company would challenge a claim on unemployment ?
If your furloughed and don't do the buyout you can claim unemployment, and get 1/2 pay usually for anywhere from 24 to 36 weeks...could be more in a "distressed industry" and the ability to file a new claim after that, if you haven't found a job yet...
Everybody needs to try to read between the lines and not be fooled by $ dollar signs... the carrot and the stick deal....