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Feb 29, 2004
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:up: :up: :up:

...If you are not a furloughee this posting probably means nothing to you...

I am thrilled to report that I am listed on a flight from PHX to BOI with a record locator. I know that no announcement was made (or was there?), but it looks like the company has opened up the west for us.

Is my giddiness justified based on being able to list on the flight or am I going to show up and be denied boarding?

Now would be a great time to visit Boise!

:up: :up: :up:

...If you are not a furloughee this posting probably means nothing to you...

I am thrilled to report that I am listed on a flight from PHX to BOI with a record locator. I know that no announcement was made (or was there?), but it looks like the company has opened up the west for us.

Is my giddiness justified based on being able to list on the flight or am I going to show up and be denied boarding?

Now would be a great time to visit Boise!


Good morning, larry

being furloughed myself I too got giddie at the prospect of visiting the folks in NorCal......but can this be correct??......I would guess that it would be, if it didnt we would not be able to list...(hmmmmm, but then again.....if its too good to be true...it might not be)....perhaps a call to tempe would help solve this, because like you I would not like to show up at PHX to OAK and get the, "im sorry speech"....

Take care.............
I would hope the company has opened up HP routes for east furloughees. But I would be cautious and make the phone call first.

Wishing you all well, and hope to see you return soon,

I just read on the Hub that you can list on east or west metal. Unless i read it all wrong they got the new system up and running. you can pay for your passes and any tax charges for international travel and list on both west and east no matter who you work for or if you are furloughed. :up:
:up: :up: :up:

...If you are not a furloughee this posting probably means nothing to you...

I am thrilled to report that I am listed on a flight from PHX to BOI with a record locator. I know that no announcement was made (or was there?), but it looks like the company has opened up the west for us.

Is my giddiness justified based on being able to list on the flight or am I going to show up and be denied boarding?

Now would be a great time to visit Boise!

Welcome to the West metal!!! It opened up yesterday (or was it the day before??) with the new ETC. WOOHOO!!!
I've heard today that they are going to open Las vegas as a bigger inflight base again. I've also heard of possibly making LAX an inflight satelite base.
I certainly hope so!!! That way, not all former PSA will transfer to phx and consider las or lax as an alternative.
I've heard today that they are going to open Las vegas as a bigger inflight base again. I've also heard of possibly making LAX an inflight satelite base.
I certainly hope so!!! That way, not all former PSA will transfer to phx and consider las or lax as an alternative.

Not true