Atsb Loan

Gramlich is a DEMOCRAT. He was appointed by CLINTON and lauded by the likes of MOSLEY BRAUN, and SCHUMER. Prior to the Fed, he was a professor and a director of the CBO under a DEMOCRATIC CONGRESS. If anything, the problem is that the Bush administration DOESN'T have influence over the most POWERFUL member, GRAMLICH
Welcome back, flylow. Glad to see that you haven't changed. I guess that karma thing's really working in your case.
So the 747 manual comments were just windups? LOL! In that case, Magsau and I sure did (and still do) enjoy winding you up.
Tell us what you're up to these days, now that unemployment's stopped sending you checks.
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Never had to mooch off the government teet boyos. Was fortunate to find new employment prior to furlough. You guys?
FLYLOW22 said:
Never had to mooch off the government teet boyos. Was fortunate to find new employment prior to furlough. You guys?
I'm sucking hard on the government teet. I've been full time with the AF reserve since being furloughed. It was a pay raise from C2K A320 FO rates. I don't even want to think about how bad it is under C2003.
You didn't state your current job. CFI at an FBO?
Ironic or Moronic?

On one hand the industry is against UAL getting the ATSB Loan ‘Guarantee’ by touting that it is a waste of government spending while on the other hand they proclaim that for UAL to be profitable without the ATSB Loan ‘Guarantee’, that we must eject our pension liabilities which will result in the PBGC (another government agency) will pick up (to some degree?).

As the PBGC is underfunded also,Pension plan underfunding drops 9 percent to $278.6 billion.

Who will ultimately pick up the tab? The government (through our taxes)?

Seems as yet another paradox in which one would logically assume that the ATSB Loan ‘Guarantee’ would be a cheaper alternative.

If that is indeed the ‘true’ justification for the ATSB Loan ‘Guarantee’ denial.

<_< UT

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