Ata To Europe?

I would think that with ATA's financial problems right now, they would concentrate on the US domestic market and turning a profit there unless they are going to cut the money losing routes and turn those planes lose on the International market. Just my thoughts.............
Just had lunch yesterday with a friend who flies for ATA. IIRC, he said that the Europe routes have been put off until sometime next year. It didn't really make sense to me to begin with that they were going to start flying to Europe in October. :huh:
I would be surprised to see Europe start in 2005 if they were going to wait until October to start it. Why not wait until 2006 and capitalize on the American travel going overseas. ATA needs to watch their pennies and be very prudent with their route moves. Just my thoughts..........
Hate to post on top of myself, but was reading the rumor on another board about ATA getting some of UA's 737-500s as they come off lease. That may be a much cheaper way to go to the 100 seat market with a good plane at a cheaper lease rate than a new plane. Just thinking out loud........
ATA definitely needs to put Europe on the back burner. NW just announced a major expansion in the IND markets. Very interesting that NW is will to go head-to-head with ATA in some IND markets, but SWA as well. IND-LAS, IND-LAX, and IND-BWI/DCA/IAD should se low fares for quite a while.
German daily 'Sueddeutsche Zeitung' carries a piece today about the aviation industry in general, with an emphasis on Cologne/Bonn Airport.
ATA is once again mentioned in there. According to an airport executive, who is quoted in the article, the negotiations between ATA and the airport should be concluded by October. Equipment is supposedly the B757. The US gateway is not mentioned, except that it's somewhere along the Eastern Seaboard. Also, it looks as if ATA may be facing competition from LTU. Apparently, the German airline is pondering moving some of their US flights from Dusseldorf to Cologne.
coolflyingfool said:
I would be surprised to see Europe start in 2005 if they were going to wait until October to start it. Why not wait until 2006 and capitalize on the American travel going overseas. ATA needs to watch their pennies and be very prudent with their route moves. Just my thoughts..........
October, 2004, not 2005. ATA had announced that they would begin Europe service in Oct., 2004. Now it is pushed back until sometime next year--probably late Spring.
@ mweiss:

Actually, the article does not specify, whether the $125 fare is O/W or RT.
However, I can assure you that it is the oneway fare excluding taxes. It would still be a remarkable deal compared to OAL's published fares to continental Europe.


Just to clarify a few things: ATA never intended to start scheduled transatlantic service any sooner than 2005 - May 2005, to be more precise.
What I pointed out is that the negotiations with Cologne Airport (regarding landing fees, leases, incentives, etc.) are expected to be finalized by October 2004. Shortly thereafter ATA should be able to make a more specific announcement, including US gateway(s), frequencies, etc.

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