Well, it will be a step in the right direction. I hope they don''t appt. someone that''s already on the board. If that happens let Carty stay! Doesn/t look like his health will be holding out too much longer away. Did you see how he looked in the new conf. the other eve. Looks like he aged 20yrs over the coarse of the weekend.
He looked like he hadnt slept in weeks...like he is looking over his shoulder where ever he goes....AA Stew will you guys still be calling for John Wards Head at the end of all of this
Exactly and the people who are upfront with all the general public have the hard job of putting up with some of the rude customers. But the too often mouth of role their eyes and sigh when approached and the nice customer behind them sees the entire thing. How do you think customers percieve our TWU folks on the ground (rampers) walking around with nasty slogans on the baggage carts and name tags that read down with carty...Enron Airlines. Some people need to keep public statements like that to themselves...it does not benifit the airline at all. Just makes customers think what a bunch of selfish whiny babies.
I have to agree with A77igw, the fa''s aren''t willing to think straight now. They only see what''s is happening now, they should look forward to the future. Unfortunately....I believe BK as early as Friday.
It is fun and alot of bs we all say in here. Some people are more hatefull than others and some people truly hate management (even the management they haent met) I am one of those people that has to take a step back and say not all flight attendants are whiny useless annoying drama queens. Alot of them are professional courteaus human beings that deserve as much respect as the rest of us...But on my last 5 or six non rev trips I have seen more attitude from flight attendants than professionalism.. and that is a shame. How many times APFAH8TR have you asked or seen someone ask for another drink or a pillow or blanket and see a Flight Attendant roll their eyes in disgust. Way too many for me.
Unfortunatley the public remembers the bad things more than they do the good. It takes ten good things to leave the same lasting impression that 1 bad one leaves
I personally would be. He had the ability to let us change our votes from the very beginning but chose not to. I think alot of F/A''s will still be voting yes. It does not make sense to me not to.
On 4/23/2003 11:01:52 AM APFAh8r wrote:
I have to agree with A77igw, the fa''s aren''t willing to think straight now. They only see what''s is happening now, they should look forward to the future. Unfortunately....I believe BK as early as Friday.
By the way apfah8r, I left you a message on why revote- Aargh!
On 4/23/2003 1156 AM WingNaPrayer wrote:
I can''t count how many times I''ve overhead other passengers proclaim they will never fly this *$&%( airline again, and I bet they don''t!
***** ***** ***** ***** *****
It''s so funny really...to think about our passengers being passed around from airline to airline, trying to find happiness.