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APFA tentative agreement is worth 420 million, what about yours?

What is truly amazing is that the APFA National Officers, those responsible for the work rule and pay cuts do not take a pay cut!!! Base chairs do take a pay cut because their pay is based something like trips missed and thus affected by reduced pay rates. Shared sacrifice???
On 4/12/2003 11:54:40 AM L1011Ret wrote:

What is truly amazing is that the APFA National Officers, those responsible for the work rule and pay cuts do not take a pay cut!!! Base chairs do take a pay cut because their pay is based something like trips missed and thus affected by reduced pay rates. Shared sacrifice???

You are partially correct. I did check the policy Manuel and to my surprise the National officers are now considered salaried, paid semi monthly. The salary is based on the most senior flight attendant in the system. They should see a cut just as we will. Worst case scenario, that they didn't. Like me they will return to the line they will work under the same pay scales and work rules.
Actually, Mikey you need to ask APFA about this one. I have it from a very reliable source, that the National officers indeed don''t take a cut in pay, only the Base Chairs. Kinda makes ya sick doesn''t it?
Mikey, I got this from a very good source who does not put out distorted of false information. I think you should check this one out on your own. If I put out something you believe is false or way off base, I wish you would challenge me. I can tolerate correction fairly easily, so as I said if you have something that you believe is false, I like to hear about it. I do not like to put out information that is not true or without adequate foundation. It does me no good and it does a disservice to others.
I stand corrected!! I changed my last post to reflect what I check out in the updated policy Manuel. I am more than a little bit on edge at the moment.
Join thousands of others going through an emotional rollercoaster for this period in their lives. One minute up, the next down. These are trying times for everyone. I know you believe the issue of seniority was fair. I think it unfair. We, you and I, have no way to resolve it. Someone else will have to do so for us. It is rather unlikely that we will have any influence on the outcome. Whatever cards are dealt to us we shall have to deal with them like them or not.

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