Another $18000 + Out The Door

golden1 said:
I was shocked also that these moron's 'mailed=.60 to each employees residence..

What's the matter with COMAT?

They say they HAVE NO MONEY$$$$$$$$$??
What do you mean, I am still waiting for my pound of cheese!!
First off...this is not the place for personal attacks especially beyond the posters (i.e posters' families, etc). It's one thing to stray from the topic as always happens but it's another to do as has been done here:

Bob, You don't know. You don't work here. Why would you even have to say that? I honestly feel sorry for you. Not working here, but are compelled to have over 3,000 posts about this place. You go on a family vacation and don't have a family. I do pray for you and wish better days ahead for you. I do welcome your comments even though I can not understand why you do what you do.

I know how you like to pretend your girlfriend and her kids are your family.

I have even had my disagreements with PineyBob in the past but it is totally out of place to have personal attacks such as these. This is an open forum and if you want to insult people...especially on a low, personal level, PM them. This is a forum for educated, insightful thinking...not childish name-calling and personal attacks. I can only hope that the cornfields are in your future, Pitguy.
OK...back to topic:

I find it interesting that there is such a hypocrisy when it comes to communications from the company. If they send you a formal letter...something most would be thankful is "union busting" and "playing on the psyche of the employee's spouse" (give me a break). If they "save money" and don't communicate the plan, they are ignoring the employees b/c they should be made aware of what is going on. If it is placed with the paystub, it is impersonal and shows that mgmt is cowardly. If it is placed online, it is impracticle and unreachable by many.

What IS good enough? I am speaking from practicle terms. No answers like "mgmt just packs up and goes away". What would make those of you that have chosen to remain unhappy no matter what happens? You call for a mgmt change and get it (multiple times) and you don't like mgmt. You call for the company to stop spending and start cutting costs to be competitive with other carriers yet you get paid over 1/2 day's work if the company calls you at home for even 5 seconds?! What is with these work rules?

Both sides have to budge and from what I can see...mgmt is trying to reach out with a letter stating what is going on (b/c the employees have asked for this) and now you see it as union busting. There is no winning with a select group of you.
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I'm not unhappy about everything and I could personally care less HOW they give me the information. What I have a problem with is at a time (again) when everything is on the table, the company spends $18000 on mailing out a PARTIAL business plan that contains the same information that I've been able to get in several places FOR FREE already. To borrow a line from someone on another thread.

Southwest is profitable because they keep every cost they can control down as low as possible

This is my beef. If we are going to be "like WN" or any other LCC, then these little things are what need to change to help with the bottom line. I know $18000 isnt going to make or break the company, but put together with X here and X there, it all adds up. Why does the company have the Hub, USDaily, a website, mailboxes at work for company info, bulletin boards, memo books, training dept, etc if they are then going to spend money on sending something in the mail? Also, since when has the company cared how they get the info out to people? I'm sure that they didnt mail it to our houses so you would think "Wow, the company cares enough to send me a personal form letter at home".
The appearant lack of concern on spending FOR CERTAIN ITEMS is what makes me mad. :angry:
I don;t know. Maybe they're just trying to get it out to as many people as possible (including furloughees) who may not go to the airport or bother with TheHub - or internet at all.

You'd think that at least they'd do a first class presort to save some cost.

Perhaps, like Dividend Miles members, they should ask each employee for an email preference on the receipt of "non-essential" correspondence - email via pdf, mail box drop in a crew room/ATO cubby, or USPS. The default for not replying to the preference would be USPS.
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I can understand if they want to send it to the furloughees, that would be a good reason to mail it out and I'm sure they have a separate furloughee list, but every employee has a mailbox at work. There is NO REASON to mail anything out to an employee unless it is required by law. We all sign for our paychecks so ANYTHING that they want to be sure we see can be given out at this time stapled or handed to us by admin/supvr, etc. or they can put them in our mailbox. It is a WASTE of precious resources to mail items out when there is NO LEGAL REQUIREMENT to . How many times in the past has this been discussed? I can remember at least 3 mailings this past year (at $11000 or so) each. Not to mention the time/effort/cost of printing, paper, labor to do all of this. WASTE WASTE WASTE. When will the WASTE stop? How can they continue to harp on about costs (labor, etc) when these other costs that ARE controllable go unchecked?
Well, I am sure it was cheaper than mailing us ANOTHER Video. Besides they don't have Dave around anymore to do the "acting" job. ;)

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