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And The Winner Is...

...no chance this was on Song's plan and B6 jumped on it is there??? I wouldn't make the assumption that it was a B6 idea first. As Song has expanded, it has operated in many non-B6 markets.

Just a thought...
Speedbird said:
Either way jetBlue will continue to grow and remain profitable.
I think that has to be the biggest "RA-RA" speech I have ever heard.
Easy on the cool-aid there kid. I wasn't trying to bash JB. You just haven't been around long enough to be able to make statements like this. I am sure Wall Street will be quite relieved by your proclamation and guarantee that JB will always be profitable.

By your definition, once JB starts a route, everyone else will be be limited to one frequency on that route. Otherwise, the competition will bracket JB. And we know that by your rules, that would be a big no no. Cut me a break. Delta is responding to a competitive move by JB. JB started the whole thing by getting into the airline business. Delta countered the competitive move by starting Song. That's the way the system works and it is called competition. Just because you don't like it or it might affect your future plans doesn't change a thing. It's still heartless competition by heartless corporate entities and we are all just pawns. After all, you don't really expect everyone in your path just roll over and die without a fight just because we are talking about you and your career, do you? Welcome to the real world.

I guess I hit a nerve with both you, LOL!

BTW, luv if I'm a "kid" then you're still in diapers. I have many good friends at Delta and only wish the best for them going forward. However, I'll make an exception for you.
Speedbird said:

I guess I hit a nerve with both you, LOL!

BTW, luv if I'm a "kid" then you're still in diapers. I have many good friends at Delta and only wish the best for them going forward. However, I'll make an exception for you.

No speed,

You didn't strike a nerve with me. I was simply pointing out how asinine your statement was. Best of luck to you at JB. Really. No... Really. <_<
trolly dolly said:
i cant wait to see competition between jetBlue and Virgin America.. yummyy :up:
:up: YES, be great to see the white trash DUKE it out....Ummm just waitin see how fat and happy JB will be then!!!! Time will tell kids....
NAPAUS said:
:up: YES, be great to see the white trash DUKE it out....Ummm just waitin see how fat and happy JB will be then!!!! Time will tell kids....

How is it that you have sunk to the level of making such crass remarks about others in your line of work? What is it that makes us white trash and you superior enough to be able to judge us non union bottom feeders?
luv2fly said:
No you are not used to it. JB is a new, relatively small airline that enjoys lower costs associated with a junior, non union workforce, new aircraft, and employees that are motivated with good morale. Nothing wrong with that at all, but only time will tell whether that remains to be true. Many "Dinosaur " legacy carriers started out the same way.
Your competition and employee costs will increase, and your aircraft will age. Mixing fleet types will increase maintenance costs as well. JB very well may prosper, but airline history tends to repeat iself.

Good thing we have geniuses like you to teach us the airline biz. 🙄
But you are right about one thing, Song hasn't proved to be much of a competitive thrreat.
B6Busdriver said:
Good thing we have geniuses like you to teach us the airline biz. 🙄
But you are right about one thing, Song hasn't proved to be much of a competitive thrreat.
Not trying to teach you anything. I am simply referencing airline history. If you have a problem with that, then you have a problem with reality. You won't catch WN making such bold comments, and they have been doing this a lot longer than JB. If Song isn't that much of a competitive threat, why all the whining about the Bahamas?
Speedbird said:
It predatory behavior when one airline announces new service to a market that the following competitor has no service to, but throws up a new flight schedule to try and bracket it.

You can call the SEC if you want, but that's not the definition of predatory. BTW, Delta has been flying non-stop from NYC to NAS since before JB existed. They're just switching it to "Song" service. Is it "predatory" now because they're using planes painted a different color?