An Idea

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The APFA get recognition?
For what?

:groovy: "101 ways to screw your members?" :groovy:

We have no credibility, the company does as they please now.
APFA is the scouge and the laughing stock of all other UNIONS.
Well, I am tired of us being screwed by the company and as for myself, APFA handing it over on a silver tray.

By unequally dividing the consessions, seperating each union at the talks therefore creating animosity through out the AA system. (MBA 101, UNION BUSTING)
We are all pawns in this game and for once they have put so much hate and distrust with in all the labor groups we are all suffocating.

The purchase of TWA was done by Carty & Compton. They got their money. I mean BIG BUCKS.
But, the BIGGEST payoff AMR/AA got was UNION BUSTING.
I am sure Crandall is jealous that HE never accomplished what Carty did......

What did labor get?
Hate, Anger,Lies and resentment in all labor groups.
AA vs.TWA, Pilots vs. Mechanics vs. Flight Attendants vs. Agents........etc.

If we don't open our eyes to what is happening the consequences will be far worse than the last consessionary package.
For example: the latest announcement by the company

We cannot do it divided, like we are.
Let me ask, how do we do this?
Every man for himself or POWER in NUMBERS?

We need each other, don't you think?
If I am wrong I apologize for bothering you all.
Your_Ex-Wife said:
Kenny....again send $$$$ hungry. You will never be a craft union, nor will you ever be more democratic than the TWU. Your dreams are bigger, but your results are smaller.
Kids are hungry because of the devestating concessions little signed for.
I will be in a craft union.
I will be in a much superior democratic union than the twu.
My dreams have always been big.
The only thin smaller is my pay and benefits.

At least I can stand up and state my beliefs with my name. It lends credibility.
Unlike using an alias such as yours with a self image of a nodding monkey. What form of professionalism are you trying to display?
That FA certification drive has been around a long time. Whenever one of the AFL-CIO unions is threatened that the FAs might leave they resurrect it. A while ago someone posted a reprint of a TWU letter to the Flight Attendants of AA urging them not to go to the APFA. That was back in 1977. They touted that AFL-CIO influence would help put through FA certification. Its almost thirty years later and still no certification, they sure are taking their time with it.

While I want us to go and have a class specific union I certainly have no objections to associating with other workers. I think that we can still have close relations and mutual cooperation without giving up our autonomy. Our Local 562 was as supportive as we could be, despite the Internationals objections, of the flight attendants pickets a few years back. In fact we walked with them, carried signs and participated in the chants. The International claimed that "they are not affiliated, it’s not our fight". We disagreed.

AMFA has a policy of honoring picket lines. Back in 93 the TWU did not encourage its members to honor the FAs pickets. In fact they remained silent as the company bashed the APFA instead of defending their right to a fair wage. It seems that even though the FAs left nearly thirty years ago the TWU is still hoping they fall flat on their face. Well guess what TWU, even if they did they still would never come crawling back to the TWU.

Buh Bye why is your union so resistant to getting together with other flight attendants? The NWA flight attendants were forced to form a completely new independant union. It kind of defeats the purpose of going into a craft specific union if each one is completely seperate. If we are going to reject industrial unionism in favor of craft unionism then you need to unite the whole craft. One of our greatest vulnerabilities is our dependance on a singular employer. You are a flight attendant, if AA goes under you are more than likely going to seek reemployment as a flight attendant, how will an affiliation with the mechanics be of any use to you under these circumstances? We need to form unions that will be ours for our careers, regardless of the fact that at some point in our lives we will likely change employers. The less dependant we are on a single employer the greater our individual as well as collective power will be.

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