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Amfas True Feelings About Other Skilled Workers


Sep 29, 2003
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Amfa’s True feelings about other skilled workers

Read what AMFA thinks about the other employees and how they would defend your job and future:

A letter from National Director Delle-Femine April 28, 1994

“ Our task, our mission is to separate from the cleaners/janitors. That’s our goal, and through your support and help we will win.â€

The Mechanic June 5, 1994 –

“AMFA makes no secret that it is only interested in representing skilled mechanics.â€

1994 AMFA bulletin signed by the national Director O.V. Delle-Femine -

“The cleaners/Janitors will be separated from OUR class and craft once we are in the class and craft separation hearingâ€

April 4, 1994 “The Mechanic†flyer –

“Mechanics and Inspectors wages historically have been sacrificed by the IAM in order to provide an artificially high scale for the unskilled workers who dominate the catch all union.

AMFA memo April 7, 1994 –

“The mechanics at UAL are being forced to make concessions for the unskilled class of cleaners and baggage handlers… AMFA is now currently accepting contributions for the mechanics/cleaners.â€

AMFA’s attorney Lee Seham stated in an August 11, 1994 letter to the National Mediation Board arguing that AMFA should not have to represent United Airlines’ Cleaners because,

“The professional lives and collective bargaining aspirations of skilled craftsmen cannot be dictated by individuals who preponderantly wipe tray tables, dispose of trash, or clean the exterior of an aircraft with a mop. Forcing this unnatural alliance guarantees instability

Cleaners/Janitors Employees are treated as second-class citizens at every AMFA airline. At NWA, AMFA allows the mechanics to perform utility work and has refused to accept grievances on the cleaner’s behalf. Demand the truth don’t just take their word for it.

Cleaners and Utility personnel are nothing to AMFA but an unwanted distraction. AMFA’s history with Cleaners and Utility workers shows how expendable they think you are:

Mesaba Airlines

Mesaba Airlines employed their own aircraft cleaners while they were unrepresented. But within weeks of voting for AMFA ‘representation’, the cleaner’s jobs were eliminated and farmed out.

Atlantic Coast Airlines

AMFA’s Atlantic Coast agreement does not even mention a Cleaner or Utility classification, even though they are part of the Mechanic and Related class and craft.

Northwest Airlines

AMFA National Director removed the only Cleaner from the Northwest Airlines negotiating committee after she complained about what was being negotiated for the Cleaner classification. The Cleaner Representative, Kathy Lulek, was forced to obtain a Temporary Restraining Order to remain on the negotiating committee.

Amfa has run on a platform for years that it wanted to only Represent Mechanics! But yet they are out organizing others! How can anyone support an organization that makes a career out of Lying!

Look who they are working with:

A Few Divisions of the Seham and McCormick Corporation

Technicians and Cleaners: Aircraft Mechanic Fraternal Association (AMFA)
67 Water Street (McCormick Corporate Headquarters)
Suite 208 A –
Laconia, NH 03246

Pilots: The American Independent Cockpit Alliance (AICA)
67 Water Street (McCormick Corporate Headquarters)
Suite 208
Laconia, NH 03246

Flight Attendants: the Professional flight Attendants Association (PFAA)
67 Water Street (McCormick Corporate Headquarters)
Suite 209
Laconia, NH 03246

Fleet Service: Allied Ground Workers (AGW)
Law Firm:
Seham, Seham, Meltz and Peterson (AMFA’s law firm)

You be the judge! AMFA is out for the Money and is willing to do anything to make you believe you should sign a card!

An Informed Member is an Educated Member! Get the Facts
I want to vote on LOA's.........
I want Accountability from those who I pay to represent me...............
I want someone who cares about my profession.............
I want a scope clause and contract language that protects our work..........
I want someone who will use their money to fight to uphold my contract........

I do not want to be the companies favorite union.........
I do not want to be associated with a buisness with communists beliefs.........
I do not want my union and the company cutting sweetheart deals behind my back.
I do not want to be part of a "DOCILE" union with a coffin!!!!!!!!

At least your posts refer to a vote. Maybe you are starting to see the picture!!!!!!!

twu.......You've got to go!!!!!!!!!!!!
A letter from National Director Delle-Femine April 28, 1994

“ Our task, our mission is to separate from the cleaners/janitors. That’s our goal, and through your support and help we will win.â€￾

Your desperation is showing, the twu outsourced them years ago. Less than 100 Building Cleaners remain and top pay is a whopping $7.66 an hour after 5 years and have to pay union dues. page 25

Tell us again who deserted the Building Cleaners.

By comparison,

NWA Building Cleaners do make $12 an hour more, I guess they did a bad job deserting them.
Page 182
Look who they are working with:

A Few Divisions of the Seham and McCormick Corporation

Technicians and Cleaners: Aircraft Mechanic Fraternal Association (AMFA)
67 Water Street (McCormick Corporate Headquarters)
Suite 208 A –
Laconia, NH 03246

Pilots: The American Independent Cockpit Alliance (AICA)
67 Water Street (McCormick Corporate Headquarters)
Suite 208
Laconia, NH 03246

Flight Attendants: the Professional flight Attendants Association (PFAA)
67 Water Street (McCormick Corporate Headquarters)
Suite 209
Laconia, NH 03246

Fleet Service: Allied Ground Workers (AGW)
Law Firm:
Seham, Seham, Meltz and Peterson (AMFA’s law firm)http://www.the-agw.org

Great post MCI AFL-CIO!!!

I have been trying to get some response on this for a while now but have yet to get any, oh except from Bob Owens and that was very little.

Let's see what they come up with on this one. Or maybe the question should be let's see how fast they change the subject on this one??

These are the kinds of things they so conveniently forget to tell people when they ask them to sign a card.

Keep up the good work!!
So would somebody please explain to the newbie what is wrong with seperation of Mechanics and Janitors?

It would seem to me that this post needs a new title, janitors are NOT skilled workers, they didn't go to school for years and spend untold sums on education and tools to practice their profession. I could go be a janitor TONIGHT. (I was in the Navy so am fully qualified)

Now before any Janitors want to come beat me up, I do not mean this in a deragatory manner nor do I intend to offend anyone. I just find it downright offensive that we are trying to equate janitor and mechanics, that some people expect AMFA (M=Mechanic) to just represent everyone that can pay dues. I also don't mind that AMFA would have seperate divisions to represent janitors, pilots etc. just as long as they are in the aviation industry.

I am going though the same thing right now as we near contract time, only the potential of or contract is being drug down by the factory workers that don't have anything to do with me. Its the same with janitors-if you still want to represent them, go ahead, but do them on a seperate contract from mine.
Where do you think the pilots would be today if they had other work groups in their union?
Every work group is entitled to their own representation. The pilots have it, the flight attendants have, so why not the mechanics?
When the F/A group wisened up and left the TWU, I remember being envious of their move. I still am. The F/A group has more ba**s, (no pun intended, ladies,) than any other work group at AA.
What was the address of where our concesions were conducted? Wasnt it right on AA property?

Now why would we do our negoatiations on AA property where they could monitor everything that was said?

The fact is that if the members of AMFA wanted to distance themselves from the other unions they have the right to motion for it, and they can vote out the leaders if they dont do it. I want us to have complete control over our careers, but that does not mean that I want nothing to do with other workers. If I can help, I will like when our Flight Attendants had pickets, we, over Jim Littles objection, joined them in the pickets as a show of support. I just dont want to have a bus driver or a baggage handler or a Flight Attendant or a Pilot telling me what I'm worth just as I shouldnt tell them what they are worth.

Did we get to vote one the Internationals new digs on Broadway? How many corporations share the address of 1700 Broadway?

I like the idea that Independant unions that are all industry focused share the same address. In fact one day I would like to see a similar set up at every airport in the country. Several unions, several Locals all sharing and combining their resources without giving up their autonomy. The current structure is extremely wasteful, Each Local having their own building, with a meeting room that uses most of the space that is underutlized. Copy machines and staff that are duplicated and also underutilized. Having several unions sharing the same address promotes better communication as well as better efficiency while still allowing for focused representation.

JFK is a huge airport, combined with EWR and LGA it is a huge industrial center yet its members are so fractured into all these different, in many cases non-industry focused unions, that despite the huge numbers there is little communication or coordinated action between them because they lack the resources. In many cases 30% of the dues paid by these workers goes dircetly out of use for our industry issues and is used for organizing Las Vegas card card dealers, school bus drivers, security guards etc.

The fact is that the current structure of unionism in our industry is deeply flawed. The graph of AA mechanics pay vs CPI is merely a reflection of that. We are not the only ones that have seen such a decline. In fact for other TWU represented workers the decline was likely even steeper. We not only need to leave unions like the TWU that use our dues to organize more $15/hr or less workers we need to form bonds with other workers in this industry that does not equate to bondage to an institution.