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AMFA files with NMB for representational election vote @ Spirit Airlines

Coming up on the final week for the Spirit Mechanics vote on AMFA Representation. This coming Thursday, just 5 days away, we should all be welcoming another airline mechanics group into AMFA's Class and Craft Representation.
Good luck to all involved, and at least you guys were PRO-active in getting represented prior to the purchase/merger with JetBlue. Once JB Mechanics see you guys bring in AMFA for their representation, it may spark a little more energy from them to do the same, just not sure if they will get it done in time for the cat seniority integration time frame is all.
I have been told JB has a lot of X-Delta Mechanics and some of them are dead set against unionizing so they may have a tougher time getting the cards. But, with that said, if they see they are going in unrepresented into a carrier with represented mechanics they may change their tunes a bit to better protect their group during the seniority integration.
Just look at all past integrations with and without unions to represent them, AND if they would get the same representation as Spirit will have it will go much, much smoother as both groups would have to follow the AMFA Constitution in integrating the two seniority groups.
See you all at the finish line...
Coming up on the final week for the Spirit Mechanics vote on AMFA Representation. This coming Thursday, just 5 days away, we should all be welcoming another airline mechanics group into AMFA's Class and Craft Representation.
Good luck to all involved, and at least you guys were PRO-active in getting represented prior to the purchase/merger with JetBlue. Once JB Mechanics see you guys bring in AMFA for their representation, it may spark a little more energy from them to do the same, just not sure if they will get it done in time for the cat seniority integration time frame is all.
I have been told JB has a lot of X-Delta Mechanics and some of them are dead set against unionizing so they may have a tougher time getting the cards. But, with that said, if they see they are going in unrepresented into a carrier with represented mechanics they may change their tunes a bit to better protect their group during the seniority integration.
Just look at all past integrations with and without unions to represent them, AND if they would get the same representation as Spirit will have it will go much, much smoother as both groups would have to follow the AMFA Constitution in integrating the two seniority groups.
See you all at the finish line...

Stop lying to people. Even if AMFA gains representation for Spirit they still have to negotiate a first contract that has merger protection language not to mention the fact if the merger goes through and JetBlue mechanics don’t organize there will be a runoff election to determine if the combined group wants to be represented by AMFA. This happened at Delta back in 2005 when all the unions were rejected during the NWA merger.

Now if Spirit mechanics do choose AMFA and JetBlue mechanics also choose AMFA (incredibly unlikely) then there wouldn’t be any representational dispute. AMFA (God help them) would be the bargaining agent for the combined class and craft.

Here we are folks. Final week for the Spirit Mechanics to cast their votes. I leave you the latest update entry from the NMB for last week's events of elections underway...

New Applications: None
Ballot Instructions Mailed: None
Elections Underway:

Case #CarrierOrg.Approx. No. of Emp. Craft or ClassCount DateInvestigator
R-7587Spirit Airlines, Inc.AMFA544-Mechanics and Related EmployeesAugust 25, 2022Hennessey/Bautista
RD-7588The Indian Rail Road CompanyBMWED-IBT14 – Maintenance of Way EmployeesSeptember 1, 2022Bautista
R-7593Republic Services, d/b/a San Francisco Bay Railway, LLC.BMWED-IBT9-Operating/Non-Operating EmployeesSeptember 13, 2022Yoder
Including today, 3 days left until count day 8-25-22 for the Spirit Mechanics AMFA vote.

Elections Underway:

Case #CarrierOrg.Approx. No. of Emp. Craft or ClassCount DateInvestigator
R-7587Spirit Airlines, Inc.AMFA544-Mechanics and Related EmployeesAugust 25, 2022Hennessey/Bautista
Big day for the Spirit Mechanics today. Final count day is here. Hopefully we are welcoming them to AMFA Representation.
Not sure when the NMB will release the results, but hoping today or tomorrow.
Big day for the Spirit Mechanics today. Final count day is here. Hopefully we are welcoming them to AMFA Representation.
Not sure when the NMB will release the results, but hoping today or tomorrow.

Hey Swamp where are you. You got it. Congratulations for organizing another group that was “unorganized” and not already represented. This is the way you’re supposed to do it.

Now I have to of course be curious how much Seeham Seeham Meltz and Peterson is going to charge all the current dues payers to represent these people in talks to gain their first CBA? Lee Seeham must be salivating thinking about all that new money coming into his firm.

Right away you can see here they’re after that money.

And here you have it folks. CONGRATS to all the men/women at Spirit Airlines for their efforts to bring in a Class and Craft Union as their collective bargaining agent. By an overwhelming vote AMFA will now represent the Mechanics and Related.

Updated On: Aug 26, 2022
Bret Oestreich, National President
(720) 744-6628
– August 26, 2022 – The National Mediation Board (NMB) officially announced today that Spirit Airlines Aircraft Maintenance Technicians and Maintenance Controllers voted overwhelmingly to elect the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA) as their collective bargaining agent.
In early May, Mechanics and Related at Spirit Airlines submitted signed authorization for representation cards from nearly 82% of its workgroup to AMFA, requesting that they file for a representation election with the NMB on behalf of their workgroup.
“This is a critical time for these talented professionals to be represented by a trade/craft specific union that has extensive success and proven experience related to merger protections and provisions for securing work rules through collective bargaining for seniority integration, transition agreement, and single carrier status,” said Bret Oestreich, AMFA National President. “We are honored to give these professionals a voice as stakeholders and to help them take control of their own destiny through democratic representation.”
“AMFA is the first and only craft-specific union to represent this skilled workgroup. The grassroots organizing committee started this union campaign, and today’s outcome was the culmination and affirmation of their hard work,” said Oestreich.
Prior to today’s announcement, Spirit Airlines technicians had been non-union since the airline service was founded in 1983 as Charter One Airlines, a Detroit-based charter tour operator providing travel packages to entertainment destinations such as Atlantic City, Las Vegas, and the Bahamas.
Spirit Airlines Inc. is a major American ultra-low-cost carrier headquartered in Miramar, Florida, in the Miami metropolitan area. Spirit operates scheduled flights throughout the United States and in the Caribbean and Latin America. Spirit was the eighth largest passenger carrier in North America as of 2020, as well as the largest ultra-low-cost carrier in North America.
As of July 2022, JetBlue has made an offer to acquire Spirit for US$3.8 billion. The deal must still be approved by the airline's shareholders and by government regulators.

And here is the NMB's official addition of Spirit Airlines to their list of 2022 Determinations on line 141.

A big shout out and welcome to the 550 Mechanics and MC's for bringing in AMFA as their representational entity. Perfect timing as the combo with JB is nearing even closer and closer.
A lot of work still remains and will be all worth it in the long run.
Been a great summer of growth for AMFA.
Welcome to you all and again congrats!!!

Letter from Bret welcoming the Spirit Mechanics:

Aren't the mechanics at B6 still unrepresented and don't they still outnumber NK's by a fair margin?

AMFA may wind up decertified before they ever see that first CBA completed.

Interesting that fewer than 50% of the eligible employees actually voted "yes"... Doesn't bode well for post merger when there will have to be a recertification.
Aren't the mechanics at B6 still unrepresented and don't they still outnumber NK's by a fair margin?

AMFA may wind up decertified before they ever see that first CBA completed.

Interesting that fewer than 50% of the eligible employees actually voted "yes"... Doesn't bode well for post merger when there will have to be a recertification.
Yes, they are still unrepresented. Yes, they have more mechanics too, how many is the question hard to answer exactly how many. According to listed article below they had 706 at end of 2021. According to NMB when they filed, Spirit had 544, but at certification date they listed 502. My guess is there are 502 mechanics and the 544 includes the "and related".
Also remember that at JB the MC's already had cards signed and turned in. And there are Mechanics at JetBlue that are on board with getting AMFA in as their collective bargaining agent. I was told once by AMFA leaders that the drive at JB was going well and they expect a JB announcement in the near future for their vote to move forward with the NMB.
At Spirit, they sent in 82% plus cards for AMFA. That would have covered 50% plus for the combo of Spirit and Frontier. But doesn't cover the combo of Spirit and JB, therefore, the cards still need to get collected at JB, OR, if the combo does get blessed (which it should) then there will be an election after the merger is completed and they become a single carrier again. But that will be afterwards. I would think the JB Mechanics would want to be represented prior to going into integration nego's wouldn't you E?
Here's where I found the 700ish number of mechanics;
So maybe a diff of approx 200 or so???

Yes, they are still unrepresented. Yes, they have more mechanics too, how many is the question hard to answer exactly how many. According to listed article below they had 706 at end of 2021. According to NMB when they filed, Spirit had 544, but at certification date they listed 502. My guess is there are 502 mechanics and the 544 includes the "and related".
Also remember that at JB the MC's already had cards signed and turned in. And there are Mechanics at JetBlue that are on board with getting AMFA in as their collective bargaining agent. I was told once by AMFA leaders that the drive at JB was going well and they expect a JB announcement in the near future for their vote to move forward with the NMB.
At Spirit, they sent in 82% plus cards for AMFA. That would have covered 50% plus for the combo of Spirit and Frontier. But doesn't cover the combo of Spirit and JB, therefore, the cards still need to get collected at JB, OR, if the combo does get blessed (which it should) then there will be an election after the merger is completed and they become a single carrier again. But that will be afterwards. I would think the JB Mechanics would want to be represented prior to going into integration nego's wouldn't you E?
Here's where I found the 700ish number of mechanics;
So maybe a diff of approx 200 or so???

The MC cards are null and void as SCAMFA is to stupid to realize decades of class and craft. Those cards were thrown out by the NMB.
Yes, they are still unrepresented.
I would think the JB Mechanics would want to be represented prior to going into integration nego's wouldn't you E?

Hmmm. The airline is over 20 years old, so I'd say they made their choice known already. They choose to be unrepresented. This could easily be another Northwest/Delta type situation.

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