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Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’

Don't worry about me. I take care of me & mine.
I can think for myself, can you?
You don't mind losing your SS and Retirement?
I'm fine, how about you and your family?
Do you trust this grifter?
Good Luck!
You? Think for yourself? If so it sure dosent reflect in your posts. If the media told you (on anonymous sources) Trump started the Chicago fire you'd probably believe it and start another thread.
Meh, this is just another wild inflammatory accusation that liberals can try to use against Trump, but without any real proof or someone willing to put their name on the accusations.

As long as it slings mud at Trump, that's all today's "journalism" requires.
Ok I'm not saying that never happened I just don't remember any stories like that. Maybe you could help me and cite some some specific stories they ran against Obama based on nothing but anonymous sources. Like the idiotic story this thread is based on.
Well...how about this story...read it. IT deals with the losers and suckers story. It is to refute the statements of anonymous sources. Note how many times they use the word "sources". But they never name them. So we are not to believe the sources that said he DID say it... but the Fox story talks about "sources"...without naming them...and they are to be utterly believable.

JENNIFER GRIFFEN.. H I G H L Y regarded (reluctantly I'm sure) by the high majority of her FOX NEWS colleagues. Consider the professionalism of JG then STARE (for a long time) @ the Idiot Greg (GUT PUNCH) Gutfield. I've NEVER seen Hiraldo looks soooo G-D STUPID and confused !! To think that years ago, he was a credible reporter. Some people can REALLY be bought on the CHEAP !
When this election is Over, I am going to Litterally FEAST on eolesen, 😡and Insp69,😕 😱 😕, so much so, that i may not have time for La', dell and ZOM(bie) !
JENNIFER GRIFFEN.. H I G H L Y regarded (reluctantly I'm sure) by the high majority of her FOX NEWS colleagues. Consider the professionalism of JG then STARE (for a long time) @ the Idiot Greg (GUT PUNCH) Gutfield. I've NEVER seen Hiraldo looks soooo G-D STUPID and confused !! To think that years ago, he was a credible reporter. Some people can REALLY be bought on the CHEAP !

Huh. I’m sure you want us all to believe you’d ever heard of Griffin before you googled her.

I’m sure you also knew she’s married to a NPR editor?

Yeah, I’m sure she’s 100% unbiased.

Gee I wonder who these guys are voting for? I never saw pictures of our soldiers this happy to meet Obama. Maybe KC flyer can show me some.
The usual White Supremacist slop from some who proves there is no such thing as White Supremacy.