American Posts Profit 3rd Q

Andre1980 said:
WingNaprayer not only was AA's stock down so were the rest of the airlines and I expect the DOW to close lower today and what rumblings are you talking about? I know the employee to management relationship is not the best but it is not as bad as it seems.
The "rumblings" could come from employees who coughed up 1.8 Billion in wage cuts and work rules changes and now AMR is showing up with 3.3 billion.

Employees are going to start wanting their concessions back a lot sooner than anticipated. Those things take time so anyone knows that in order to get it accomplished in two years, the rumbling has to start now, especially with the company's push for more automation and less labor, occupational seniority changes, and an anticipated sizeable layoff next spring mainly targeting the agent groups.
WingNaPrayer said:
The "rumblings" could come from employees who coughed up 1.8 Billion in wage cuts and work rules changes and now AMR is showing up with 3.3 billion.

Employees are going to start wanting their concessions back a lot sooner than anticipated. Those things take time so anyone knows that in order to get it accomplished in two years, the rumbling has to start now, especially with the company's push for more automation and less labor, occupational seniority changes, and an anticipated sizeable layoff next spring mainly targeting the agent groups.
The size of AA's current cash balance bears no relationship to the employees' concessions. AA sold $300 million in convertibles last month, borrowed about $300 million on its last Section 1110-eligible aircraft in June, received about $400 million from the US government in June, and borrowed millions of dollars in other transactions. The employees' sacrifices helped AA become cash-flow positive, but they really didn't cause the swelling of the cash account.

AA violates its loan covenants if its unrestricted cash falls below $1 billion. At that point, AA risks an involuntary ch 11 filing by the banks. Right now, AA has $1.75 billion of unrestricted cash above and beyond the $1 billion floor. That just about equals the employees' wages and salaries for the fourth quarter. That cash cushion is necessary to get AA thru the winter, historically a poor time for cash receipts.

You talk like you understand AA's finances, but in the end, you have no idea. Like many disgruntled employees, you understand profits but not losses.
FWAAA said:
You talk like you understand AA's finances, but in the end, you have no idea. Like many disgruntled employees, you understand profits but not losses.
I understand perfectly. I also understand that company schills will always be around, no matter what.

What you don't understand, is that I don't work for your airline.
Does all this mean that management is going to start it's share of the SHARED SACRIFICE program now?????????????????????????? Or does this mean that the company can hire more VP's and expand management??? :up: :up: :up:
Andre1980 said:
thanks mainly to the employees you all should take a bow because you all were mainly responsible for this dramatic turnaround and despite the challenges ahead at AA
We took a bow all right, we bent wAAy over if you know what I mean. The only things around here that have changed are;
1. The pay
2. The morale
3. Quality of life at work
4. The benefits
But don't worry. The world class AAholes that got us here are still at the helm. If they still need help they will just steal it from the people that make this company work. So the bottom line around here is that other than the above mentioned items, nothing has really changed. Maybe if we just worked for free we could all keep our jobs.
Sorry for venting but this company's management just plain sucks. :down:
dogdriver said:
We took a bow all right, we bent wAAy over if you know what I mean. The only things around here that have changed are;
1. The pay
2. The morale
3. Quality of life at work
4. The benefits
But don't worry. The world class AAholes that got us here are still at the helm. If they still need help they will just steal it from the people that make this company work. So the bottom line around here is that other than the above mentioned items, nothing has really changed. Maybe if we just worked for free we could all keep our jobs.
Sorry for venting but this company's management just plain sucks. :down:
But, But, the wonderful TWU and Jim Little got rid of the crook?

Oh, that's right, there were 46 on the list, they must have missed 45 of them?

46 names of crooks on the wall, 46 names of crooks,

take one down, pass him around,

45 names of crooks on the wall....

I'll try it again.
(Not good friday, colombus day, presidents day, or the day after thanks giving)

WHY IS'NT "MEMORIAL DAY" A HOLIDAY FOR AAers ????????????????????????


Please keep in mind that the "gutting" of holidays was ALREADY done BEFORE CARTY got caught trying to "stash the cash" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NewHampshire Black Bears said:

I'll try it again.
(Not good friday, colombus day, presidents day, or the day after thanks giving)

WHY IS'NT "MEMORIAL DAY" A HOLIDAY FOR AAers ????????????????????????


Please keep in mind that the "gutting" of holidays was ALREADY done BEFORE CARTY got caught trying to "stash the cash" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I'm sorry for putting all of you in the poor house. Thanks to all of you giving up concessions, I'm living the high life!
Instead of dwelling on the past and spending 100% of my time and posts on the negative. I am trying to look towards a brighter future and what I can do to improve it. Past is done, future is the only thing we can work to make better.
You're both mistaken. If you don't remember, recognize and learn from the past - there won't be any future worth heading to. Forgetting the past, and what happened in the past, only dooms all to repeating it.

NEVER forget what happened to every employee in the past at AA. That way, next time the executive level comes round with their hands out, perhaps you'll be smart enough to slap a lock on the purse instead of falling for the rhetoric and empty threats and giving up the farm.
Well I see quite a few of you here are bitchy about this performance. It seemed to me some of you would have probably felt better if AA lost 423 million instead. Some of you feel that AA needed no concessions as though AA could continue losing the bucket loads of money quarter after quarter and still have more in the tank. folks lets remember that AA does not have money trees growing in their backyard and the cost structure it had was WAY OUT OF LINE with the new revenue enviroment that have the LCCs in the driver's seat. I understand that this change would effect the type of lifestyles you all live but I hope some of your concessions come back or that you all get to share the profits like what AA management has promised. But at the moment I hope AA continues to improve financially and get back into full financial health because AA needs to show to some real profits and not just break-even.

Now about the 2.7 billion unrestricted cash AA has, I think AA is wise to have a sufficient amount of cash not only to be comfortable during the low flying season but remember SARS could return in the comming winter months and don't even think that the government will be will willing to support the Airlines again if it happens because they seem to be getting fustrated about the airlines asking for handouts all the time. TC
Andre1980 said:
folks lets remember that AA does not have money trees growing in their backyard
Neither does labor!!!

don't even think that the government will be will willing to support the Airlines again if it happens because they seem to be getting fustrated about the airlines asking for handouts all the time.

So is labor!!!!!!

Your Arpey soap boxing is falling on deaf ears.

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