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American Crew Gets Detained At Gru

Art - Thank you for your explanation about the pilot. If that is indeed true - and it happened as you say - I would be so angry! I have always been the type of person to side with the "underdog" because a lot of times we only hear one side of the story. If he was instructed to move his fingers to see the number is a completely different story.
LiveInAHotel said:
I'm looking forward to seeing what happens to you with all of the complaints that have been filed against you from AA flight attendants.
You need to get over this superiority dance you keep doing here. It is extremely boring.

I know you and I do not se eye to eye on numerous things but thanks for the support. I may not always agree with you but I respect you (most of the time lol)

Hotel, move on already.
Just to clarify my earlier post, my flight attendant friend who was detained in Sao Paulo along with his crew told me HE was instructed to move his fingers so the inspector could better see the numbers. The captain was subsequently photographed and may have kept his fingers in that awkward (!) position in order to keep the numbers visible. Again, none of us can know what was going on in the captain's mind at the time the photo was shot. I just wanted to relay one first hand account so we can have a more open mind as to what may have transpired. Again, I do not know this pilot and I am not defending him, but I think the papers presented a very one-sided story.

Art Tang
I am sorry and I will probably get flamed for this, but I do believe that gesture was intentional. Of course, the rest of the story does lend motive as to why it was done.
Having no life of course, I tried holding a piece of paper, getting that particular hand position is akward. Forefinger in front parallel to bottom and thumb in back seems to me to be most normal and makes it easier not to obscure the numbers.

Does this mean I think the Captain should be in deep kimchi, not really if the rest of the story jives, that the crew were yelled at etc.

Hopefully, some sort of solution will be found to the issue of photographing americans in general and aircrews in specific.
Thank god I live in the USA where I can flip the bird (to the police, to immigration, to anyone save a judge in a courtroom) and not commit a crime.
Can you flip off the police? I had never thought of that.

Hotel, can you test that heory for us and report back with the results?
Garfield1966 said:
Can you flip off the police? I had never thought of that.
In theory, it is a constitutionally protected freedom of expression. In reality, some police officers will take it upon themselves to punish such behavior off the record.
ArtTang said:
Also, I am not defending this pilot. I do not know him. I am simply writing because after having heard a first hand account, I feel the papers were one-sided and the man has yet to tell his side of the story.

Art Tang

Don't mean to Barge in on your Forum...But I found this whole story of interest.

Art...A newpaper Article one-sided....Gee Never heard of such a thing(HA) 🙄

Also, when I was active I only flew Domestic ...But I can tell you...some of the Crap Crew members have to go through with Security is Unbelievable...

1. While in Uniform... wearing our Uniform Pants after going through the Metal Detector I beeped...Some Girl~all of 20yrs old~ Had to wond me... Well when you have a wond going into your Crouch...you tend to get pissed..SO I told her that I would prefer that the thing was "Vibrating" if she was going to keep putting it There !!!

2. One of our F/O's was told to Undo his Belt while in Uniform..I told him to ask for a Private Screening because all of our Customers DO NOT need to see him with his Uniform all undone !!!!

Im sure there are plenty more ...BUT I just want to say that what the Captain did whether on Purpose or Not...I DO NOT BLAME HIM ONE BIT !!!!!!! 😉
Garfield1966 said:
Since you have never been to crew scheduling and have no idea what we do I would not expect you to understand.
Are you sure about that? I have been in scheduling on several occasions. You can enter on the upper level and walk down the stairs and see the big screen with the weather info on it! You might just want to watch what you say "big man," it might comeback to haunt you when AA kicks you to the curb!!

I do know everything you guys/gals do in scheduling. I have spent many days sitting in and making sure you guys/gals are following procedures when talking to flight attendants.
Just assumed you had never been there since you insisted that we worked in cubes which is not the case. How would me saying that you had never been to crew skd haunt me? How would anything I have said here haunt me? AA has no idea who I am nor have they any way of verifying who I am. You are the on making all the threats trying to get me fired. I'm just on here voicing my opinion like everyone else.

I seriously doubt you have any idea who I am and like I said, in the unlikely chance that you do, you cannot prove it. If I was in the least bit concerned do you think I would still be on line posting here?

This is a public forum where anyone can log on and say what’s on their mind, vent or do what ever. Have you read some of your venomous posts? You're a joke. You get off on threatening other. You do what ever you want, write a letter to Arpey, to HR to whom ever your little heart desires. I will still be here voicing my opinions, venting when the urge strikes me and getting joy out of being an obvious pain in your butt.

Like you have never made a typo. That’s the best you can come up with

huked on fonix werks 4 me
Garfield1966 said:
AA has no idea who I am nor have they any way of verifying who I am.
Did you forget that your IP is logged with US Aviation? Your IP let's anyone know who you're!! AA can request any information regarding harassment of employees/work groups on or off the clock. Since you talk so negative against the flight attendant group, this is harassment.

My advice to you; read AA policies regarding harassment! It pertains to both individuals and work groups. 😉
LiveInAHotel said:
Since you talk so negative against the flight attendant group, this is harassment.
Please explain how expressing his opinion (which YOU find to be negative) is harassment?

I should start another thread:
Garfield vs Hotel!!! Barbwire steel-cage match!!!
mjk said:
LiveInAHotel said:
Since you talk so negative against the flight attendant group, this is harassment.
Please explain how expressing his opinion (which YOU find to be negative) is harassment?

I should start another thread:
Garfield vs Hotel!!! Barbwire steel-cage match!!!
Female vs. Male in a cage!! That would be fun. I don't want to give him that pleasure of being close to a female body!! 😉

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