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American Airlines Strands Luggage From Multiple Flights In Miami; Blames 'Technical Issue'

Baggage Systems do Break Down, Bag Jams, Burnt Motors...Etc...   HOWEVER, Passengers Should have been advised PRIOR to Departure that their bags would not be on board.   Also once on board, they should have been advised again !!!  Just Poor Customer Service.
My guess is the Final was Correct.  The bags are scanned as loaded which is the number used for the W & B
agree with you Hope    we had a similar problem a few months ago and the customers were aware of the problem
the worst part is not even advising passengers as they waited at baggage claim.

BA has had multiple times when the baggage system has failed but they advised people - before they ever left.

it will be interesting to watch AA's baggage numbers in a couple months when DOT stats come out.
I would think the numbers would be less than respectable even without the Miami situation just because Doug has decided to play games with the "below the wing" employees who play a major role in the DOT's baggage, on time numbers. Withholding 4% in my opinion was wrong and not a very smart move. We are no closer today than we were on Jan 5th to a contract. Of course out of our control is the NMB.
AA , dont expect much from this Group.   A few years back, I was in a room with a bunch of 25+ year employees where a DP VP told the Fleet guys, they want us here for a JOB, not a career....
just remember that DL doesn't believe that frontline employees have any ability to affect the company's profitability.

Thank heavens that things like this NEVER happen to DELTA!!! (snicker)
if the day comes that DL sends out one planeload after another with no bags and then doesn't even have the decency to tell passengers as they stand at the carousels waiting for bags, let me know.

I have a feeling your grandkids' grandkids will have come and gone before that happens at DL.
Customer service 101...... motivate employees to help customers....
WorldTraveler said:
do online connecting bags go thru the baggage system at MIA?
depends on when they arrive and where they come from.  all int'l go in the system.  >1hour to departure goes to tails, 1> goes into system
I suspect you probably meant 61+ goes into the system, < 60 minutes goes to the tail.

MIA screws up so many bags on a daily basis that this is will wind up being a rounding error...
thanks for being honest, E.

honestly, the Latin America market knows about AA's reputation with bags to/from/thru MIA.

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