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American Airlines Should Take Over United

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Nightwatch said:
No problem biggun'...ceptin' I'll have to say hello without the liquor...I'm diabetic...can't have the booze...whaaaa!...BTW...do I say hi idiot to all amfa supporters or just one waiving a flag saying..I'm AMFAFAG!

So you're diabetic and have a gay fetish. Do you get your medicine through your domestic partners plan or have to pay the AA rate? BTW...Feel free to make trip around the system calling well over 9,000 of us AMFA supporters idiots, I am sure it will be your first time outside of the KC city limits.
You do not have over 9000 supporters, not all that signed cards are supporters you idiot....and I have been as far north as Omaha!..so there, tough guy....and if I had a gay fetish we'd be on first name basis, AMFAFAG
Nightwatch said:
You do not have over 9000 supporters, not all that signed cards are supporters you idiot....and I have been as far north as Omaha!..so there, tough guy....and if I had a gay fetish we'd be on first name basis, AMFAFAG

Well I am certainly glad to see you made it up and down I-29. Have you ever tried any other highways?

I guess the only way to determine support is to vote. So once your bed partner-AA- stops interfering in our business, we will vote. This year or next, you will lose.

You go ahead and call me whatever you want, I'll just refer to you as the coward with the gay fetish.

Your opinion means nothing. You are just trying to make a name for yourself for personal gain within the TWU. On the other hand, AMFA supporters are in it for the betterment of our profession as a whole. What sane AMT - would work against an organization that promotes his craft? The TWU represents a minority of AMTs now, and has the support of even less ( over 9000 AMFA cards signed ). The writing is on the wall, the days of the TWU representing mechs anywhere are numbered.
Decision 2004 said:

How about this:


Something special in sheets of the bedroom, er uh I mean Boardroom.

That reminds me of the one I heard about Continental and Aer Lingus merging, the new Airline would be called Contilingus!

No matter what they call them, the result is the workers always get screwed!

All these mergers do is highlight the inadequacies of the structure of the labor movement in this industry. With the ease of the transfer of Capital and equipement from one carrier to another and the multiple unions that have divided up not only the industry but individual professions within the industry, workers end up becoming overly dependant on the fate of the company they work for and not the market condition of the industry as a whole. So while the industry could be expanding their bagaining position, because of the poor structure of unionism, could be weakening, which is exactly what has happened over the last twenty years.
"You go ahead and call me whatever you want, I'll just refer to you as the coward with the gay fetish. "

Hey Nightwatch,

You better be careful about your anti gay rhetoric, that does'nt play well for your resume'. The TWU, along with the rest of the diversity crew on the left frown on your backhanded insults. Besides that, you could be taken to task on this from the company.

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