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American Airlines June traffic down 8.1&%

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I never said that. What I said was any amount of additional pay would have little to no effect on the employee moral or work ethic. It would only produce a new set of complaints against the company.

You're saying higher pay only has an effect on the morale of management personnel. One can only conclude you have contempt for those who wrench on the aircraft.
Thats fine but dont use it as an excuse to not pay us.
Like I said you cant tell the electric company you cant pay them because you want to invest over the long haul and put solar panels on the roof.
So you believe that AA should borrow money to give you a raise. I wonder how sustainable that is?

Rubbish, do you think that the high morale at SWA has nothing to do with pay? If thats the case then we should be paying our executives the same as the average worker since pay has nothing to do with morale or ethics.
It may have something to do with responsibility, experience and education. Do you also think the line mechanics should be paid the same as a janitor, or is there responsibility, experience and education tied to their pay?
You're saying higher pay only has an effect on the morale of management personnel. One can only conclude you have contempt for those who wrench on the aircraft.
I am not saying that, you are implying it. I have no contempt for those who turn wrenches, again thats your unjustified conclusion. One of the reasons I only fly AA these days is because I value the mechanics here over the maintenance procedures or most of the other major carriers. I have said so more than once on this board.
Before I see AA invest in fuel efficient aircraft I want my pay restored. In the end paying us well would probably save them more money than the fuel savings would.

I doubt that's going to happen. Borrowing money to invest in new, fuel efficient aircraft? Sure. Borrowing money to pay wages? Not gonna happen.

HMM, I thought the numbers werent being released till Wednsday?

The wages and salaries line item was easy to guess, since it was nearly identical to the first quarter of about $1.7 billion.

No I been demanding a fair wage. you know as well as I that the percentage value changed because of the steep reduction in the price of fuel. .

The percentage of revenue going to wages and salaries increased because of the steep drop in revenues. The percentage of expenses going to wages and salaries increased because of the steep drop in fuel costs.

Restore your wages before prudent investments are made for the future? If that's what you want, you should have bought the company. Then you could make imprudent decisions.
I am not saying that, you are implying it. I have no contempt for those who turn wrenches, again thats your unjustified conclusion. One of the reasons I only fly AA these days is because I value the mechanics here over the maintenance procedures or most of the other major carriers. I have said so more than once on this board.

Knowing full well a group of fools and idiots profit greatly despite their lack of common sense while saying money is not a motivator is, at the very least, disingenuous. It also carries connotations about the impression one has of a given group which, in this case, are the mechanics.

What you are seeing, rather, is the lack of tolerance we mechanics generally have of lies from those who really don't have to lie to us - it's done because they can do it with impunity for their entertainment purposes. No amount of money or benefits will excuse the tendency of management to do that. Hari Kari on the steps of Centrepork is the only way any forgiveness would be granted.

Money is a great motivator when passed out at the proper time and adds greatly to morale.

Lying and stonewalling, the hallmark of almost all management personnel, has the exact opposite effect.
The thread topic is June traffic for American Airlines--not executive compensation, not union issues. If you can not stick to the topic the thread will be closed.
I just heard that AMR, sold most of it's summer inventory very early at fire-sale prices, and that's, that.

Fare sales in July is just a sign of how things will be in the fall/winter.

Story from north of the border here.
Weighed down by the weak economy, WestJet Airlines Ltd. yesterday launched a 50-per-cent-off seat sale for travel between Sept. 8 and Dec. 16.
Air Canada, which had introduced its own 40-per-cent-off sale a day earlier, moved quickly to match WestJet's fall sale fares.While seat sales for the slower fall and winter period aren't unheard of in July, observers noted that this year's sales come amid fares that have already been discounted in a bid to coax recession-weary travellers back into the skies.
Totally agree that this winter is looking very ugly. Only the fit (i.e. those with big cash reserves) will survive without further court assistance or outright liquidation. I'm looking at you, United.

All we can do is button down the hatches and try to ride the storm out.
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