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American Airlines fined over Employee Death


Oct 10, 2009
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American Airlines fined $17,500 for worker death at Miami Intl Airport

American Airlines has been fined $17,500 by federal authorities after a ramp worker died while descending a ladder on the tarmac on May 19, the AP is reporting.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration citations say that the it found three serious violations including employees exposed to a fall hazard, the airline failed to assess workplace hazards and that the airline didn't make sure employees wore protective footwear when operating a luggage lift.

The AP said that American is appealing the ruling.

Why am I not surprised they are appealing. :down:
American Airlines fined $17,500 for worker death at Miami Intl Airport

American Airlines has been fined $17,500 by federal authorities after a ramp worker died while descending a ladder on the tarmac on May 19, the AP is reporting.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration citations say that the it found three serious violations including employees exposed to a fall hazard, the airline failed to assess workplace hazards and that the airline didn't make sure employees wore protective footwear when operating a luggage lift.

The AP said that American is appealing the ruling.

Why am I not surprised they are appealing. :down:

May I be allowed to answer this on behalf of the pro company types here?

"The employee is responsible for his/her well being on the job, and he/she watched a video 15 years ago on how to climb and descend a ladder."

Management is never responsible!
May I be allowed to answer this on behalf of the pro company types here?

"The employee is responsible for his/her well being on the job, and he/she watched a video 15 years ago on how to climb and descend a ladder."

Management is never responsible!

Is this the case of the ramp supervisor who fell and died at MIA? Here's a thread about it:


Wasn't he management?
Not if you cause the company to be fined. Then you are obviously a peon who should have been fired if it weren't for that wretched union.
Management, Union, contract help FWAAA, it doesn't matter. An employee of AA died while performing a task for AA and died
because of AA's violations. This pathetic company cannot pay this chump change, close the case and move on.
Simply heartless, classless and downright shameful. :angry:
A damned shame this happened - hope the family is dealing with it OK. A greater shame the family gets none of the fine - I'm sure they could use it.

I wonder if OSHA's fine would have been greater if the incident involved someone higher up AMR's food chain? Even though ramp manager isn't the most glorious title one can hold, it still seems $17,500 is pretty cheap for a life.
May I be allowed to answer this on behalf of the pro company types here?

"The employee is responsible for his/her well being on the job, and he/she watched a video 15 years ago on how to climb and descend a ladder."

Management is never responsible!

May I be allowed to answer this on behalf of the unionista types here?

"The company should be responsible for every single action of its employees at all times and then some, we gave them concessions in 2003."

Also I'm jelous that management makes so much money.
May I be allowed to answer this on behalf of the unionista types here?

"The company should be responsible for every single action of its employees at all times and then some, we gave them concessions in 2003."

Also I'm jelous that management makes so much money.

ooohhh sorry I hit a nerve there!
I guess they might have a better shot at fighting this fine because the FAA still has announced the multi million dollar for past FAA safety violations.
The lack of enforcement on protective footwear issue has been an issue for years. There used to be a time when supv's would send people home if they wore tennis shoes on the ramp. Good luck getting that back into practice...

I was in Mexico City a few weeks back, and the airport security detail was assembly out on the curb for a uniform inspection before heading in to relieve the previous shift.

Can you imagine the uproar and outrage if AA or any other airline tried doing a uniform inspection at the start of the shift?....
The lack of enforcement on protective footwear issue has been an issue for years. There used to be a time when supv's would send people home if they wore tennis shoes on the ramp. Good luck getting that back into practice...

I was in Mexico City a few weeks back, and the airport security detail was assembly out on the curb for a uniform inspection before heading in to relieve the previous shift.

Can you imagine the uproar and outrage if AA or any other airline tried doing a uniform inspection at the start of the shift?....

well, I'll tell you that I wish they would enforce the dress policy. What some people wear, even though on the ramp is seen by pasengers looking out terminal and aircraft windows.
And wearing the proper footwear, eye protection and skin protection depending on your job can be a life or limb or eye saver.
MMMany years ago, I asked Mr Dave Campbell (New SSE MD), about the problem of FOOT WEAR Safety @ AFW. His reply related to the MD or GM of a facility to declare all or portion of that facility (AOA, Hangar and Back Shops) to be a FOOT HAZARD AREA. Once this can of worms was opened, then AA would be required to PROVIDE FOR, or REIMBURSE the cost to the UNION member.(More Vendor Days?) Also, a related cost would be the increased training requirement ( Think Back/ Lifting Safety, Hexa-Valent Chromium, Fall Protection , 14CFR and Environmental Compliance!!) Increased AWARENESS equates to increased LIABILITY !!

The ATP (Annual Training Program) already has alot of RECURRENT Requirements, enough to disrupt the sleeping patterns of 2nd & 3rd shifts! The ATP was initiated to shift the LIABILITY from AA, squarely into the UNION MEMBERS Lap!!

The ONLY way to change the spots on this (AA) Animal, is to put it on the wrong end (DEFENDANT) of a CIVIL SUIT!!!
Management, Union, contract help FWAAA, it doesn't matter. An employee of AA died while performing a task for AA and died
because of AA's violations. This pathetic company cannot pay this chump change, close the case and move on.
Simply heartless, classless and downright shameful. :angry:
Agreed 100%. This was a tragic event. Any good hearted company would of paid for the funeral arrangements at the least. The Guy Died On The Job going Above and Beyond For The Company. This is why there is No Loyalty...
May I be allowed to answer this on behalf of the unionista types here?

"The company should be responsible for every single action of its employees at all times and then some, we gave them concessions in 2003."

Also I'm jelous that management makes so much money.

I guess you're frugal with letters in your words too, huh? B)

Here's how it is, someone came to work whole and went home broken.....or dead. The company should pay for that.
May I be allowed to answer this on behalf of the unionista types here?

"The company should be responsible for every single action of its employees at all times and then some, we gave them concessions in 2003."

Also I'm jelous that management makes so much money.

Here's a news flash for you, Frugsy.....OSHA regulations do not just apply to "unionistas."
All workers are covered.