American Airlines - Cash Cow to Build Eagle

Bob Owens

Sep 9, 2002
We cant chose what the company does with their money. We can chose whether or not we give them our money to do it with though.

VOTE NO on the biggest concession package ever "negotiated by a "union" prior to BK. Lets NOT make history.
I understand that AA Pilots upon ratification will allow unlimited RJ's in their Scope Language.

The Maintenance of these aircraft has never been an issue with the TWU.

Just like SABRE, American Airlines employees will become the Cash Cow via Concessions to build a seperate entity under the AMR Umbrella.

Why should we allow this again?

How many times must one work group be screwed by the same union structure before we take action and leave?

AMFA Cards are being signed again throughout the system.

In Tulsa, our coworkers are finally seeking organizers for cards to sign. This is a big change from the past when we were always searching for card signers and attempting to persuade mechanics to make the change.

Thank You TWU, you are the best Organizer money can buy!
Don''t get me wrong on this one Bob.

I am not advocating a yes vote, but you guys on the line will require a 90% plus NO blitz to overcome the Tulsa fear.

The TWU is telling everyone at the maintenance bases that they will NOT have a job and all 3 bases will be sold if this agreement is not ratified.

Local Officers are claiming ALL overhaul will be done in Singapore. We are still trying to figure out how they get an MD-80 over there, but none-the-less, many are pissed but appear afraid and willing to eat this crap. Un-friggin-believable!

It appears there are many NO voters on your side but you guys must turn out in record numbers and register your opinions in unified voice.
Bob Owens:

Did you refer to the TWU as a Union?
On 4/1/2003 8:47:59 PM Buck wrote:

Bob Owens:

Did you refer to the TWU as a Union?

The TWU is a union!

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Yea we heard about the fear tactics. Why does everyone buy this bull about Singapore and China? Those bases are there to fix their airplanes. What makes anyone think that all of a sudden they could handle all our airplanes and Uniteds just like that? Besides have you seen Chinese tools? What do they think they all traded in their chop sticks for Snap-Ons and are over there waiting for our airplanes? If our planes were going over to Singapore then why would someone want to buy our bases? What would they do with hangars on an airport in Tulsa, Alliance and KC? If AA wants to get rid of them then why did they just build one and buy the other? If somebody else did buy them would''nt they need mechanics too? Hell if some company had the money to buy all three bases then that company would be in a hell of a lot better shape than AA. Maybe they would be better off if someone bought them.

The fact is that UAL has preceeded us into BK by 5 months. They rejected an agreement that was not nearly as bad as ours. In fact some of what UAL was asking for we gave away in 1983! The judge slammed them with a 14% temporary cut and nothing else.He didnt even force them to accept the concessions that we gave away 20 years ago_Our union wants to save us from this fate by accepting a 17.5% cut along with almost completely gutting our contract, and agreeing to this for 6 years. I dont know but a temprorary 14% cut does not seem as bad as a 17.5% cut along with massive other cuts and a six year term. Maybe I''m not seeing "the big picture", but I think I''ve seen enough to know what is right.

If you guys reject this, I think we can prevent the company from seeking or a judge from granting extreme requests. At the very least we will have five months before we have to make a decision. Five months may put us at the end of the war and the Summer might help revenues. If the company requests everything they are threatening and the Judge grants them, we will shut the company down. Hell we will be luckey if we can stop the guys from doing it before then. Knowing this the Judge likely will not grant this but tell us to work on a deal. Six years, given the history of this industry gives us a reasonable motive for rejection.If they can make threats then so can we. If they can threaten to "ship all the work to Singapore and sell all the bases and layoff half the workforce then WE CAN SHUT THEM DOWN FOR GOOD! Ok.Hey CARTY,ARPEY!! Once you violate the contract, and change our pay, even with a judges permission WE CAN SHUT YOU DOWN, AND WE WILL!!!! Go ahead and make all your threats to the weak willed Presidents council. Why dont you come and say that crap directly to us out on the line? Ask Brewster and whatever that guys name was that came to JFK how we trembled. "We will fire all of you" they said. "FU go ahead"was the reply. "We will pull all the work out" they threatened. "Go ahead and you can pay me the 12-5 to go where I can afford to live" they answered. I beleive that both were told to perform sexual acts upon themselves. These guys are not afraid to work, they help this company move a lot of people. Now if you could just sell them seats at the right price we could stop all this BS and make some money! Just because they will work like a dog does not mean you can treat them like a dog. Everyday when I drive home from work, I crawl along in traffic where over 90% the cars are newer than mine. I dont think that they are all driving to the unemployment office.

Dont cave in to threats. Lets do the work, and hope that after we go into BK we get people who want to make money together by providing a quality product effeciently at a fair price instead of those who simply want to take money out of our pockets.
On 4/1/2003 7:42:32 PM RV4 wrote:

"I understand that AA Pilots upon ratification will allow unlimited RJ''s in their Scope Language."

Actually I believe there is a hull ratio, but the full details have not been divulged publicly yet.

"The Maintenance of these aircraft has never been an issue with the TWU."

If you want to work on them you can fill out an intercompany transfer, I am sure you can come up with the form. Or even better, maybe you can get some sort of program where one out of every four mechanics hired at Eagle will be an A/A mechanic. You would go to the bottom of the pay scale and lose all but your company seniority though. Sorry.

"Just like SABRE, American Airlines employees will become the Cash Cow via Concessions to build a seperate entity under the AMR Umbrella."

Funny, most people on this side of the terminal view Eagle as the cash cow, which I believe is a view that tends to be supported by the current shift in emphasis to Eagle. You are also way off base saying your concessions built or are going to build Eagle. Eagle was built to what it is today and will continue to be built on the backs of the concessions that every Eagle employee has been taking since the airline was put together. So you can stop that s--t right now.


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