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America West Stupidity in Philly

That's the West way. In PHX, there are only 1 or 2 agents at each gate. We have a mighty lean machine here. I hate to say it, but get used to it. They HAVE managed to get blood out of that turnip!

Er, they're complaining about the ATO, not the gates. US has generally 1, sometimes 2 agents at the gates as well. And I'll bet in PHX, you've got kiosks helping check pax in, which was the problem here. The US folk are quite used to working shorthanded as it is, you're not that special.
right ringmaruf. Philly is gonna be a big deal but they can't send one damn kiosk. Maybe they could pospone painting an aircraft or two and male sure the pax can get on them first. Or not make that stupid merger video they show on the plane, like anybody cares. They saved a few bucks and I lost a whole day of work. Thanks america west. I will be sure to book with you again soon. If the person responsable for that really STUPID decesion reads this, YOU SUCK. PM me adn ill give you the unedited version. JERKS
right ringmaruf. Philly is gonna be a big deal but they can't send one damn kiosk. Maybe they could pospone painting an aircraft or two and male sure the pax can get on them first. Or not make that stupid merger video they show on the plane, like anybody cares. They saved a few bucks and I lost a whole day of work. Thanks america west. I will be sure to book with you again soon. If the person responsable for that really STUPID decesion reads this, YOU SUCK. PM me adn ill give you the unedited version. JERKS

It was I who made the decision! I shall take full responsibility!
No Barbee! It was ME! I'm used to hearing "you SUCK" all the time.

I think the problem may also lie in the fact that an experienced QIK user can check in a passenger in under two minutes, MAYBE 2.5 if they have bags, and that's to take the time to tag them. I remember when I was brand new to the system, it'd take me a few minutes with each passenger. (Although I do not see how just one or two people can check in 150 in an hour...unbelievable- even if they are SUPER FAST. Now PHL, while we don't have a ton of flights, always seems to be FUUUUUUUUUUULL.)
Why do the "West" people keep using this example?
The "East" has only had Sabre since 1999 when we had to switch from Pacer due to the year "2000" glitch.
AND we switched right before the Thanksgiving holiday travel season....like the week before!
So please, quit saying we are afraid of change (this isn't our first merger) or that we can't handle the pressure.....been there, done that!

I remember the stories of HP switching from native shares to QIK, and most of the 'old timers' had the problem of accepting change, for quite awhile. Its a very general statment about human nature. Its not a jab at USeast specifically.
right ringmaruf. Philly is gonna be a big deal but they can't send one damn kiosk. Maybe they could pospone painting an aircraft or two and male sure the pax can get on them first. Or not make that stupid merger video they show on the plane, like anybody cares. They saved a few bucks and I lost a whole day of work. Thanks america west. I will be sure to book with you again soon. If the person responsable for that really STUPID decesion reads this, YOU SUCK. PM me adn ill give you the unedited version. JERKS

No offence, but do you really want the plane painters to come install the kiosks in PHL? I'm thinking they'll end up an awful color, and probably wont work!

Let the plane painters, actors, directors, cameramen, rez agents, shoe shiners, pretzel vendors... do their jobs. It's not a funding issue, its a redundancy issue. I hear tell that PHL needs a few improvments, and assume they dont want to go install new kiosks, only to come back within the year to improve the PHL counters. Thats just a moronic waste of time/money/resources. If I were queen for a day, and made all the decisions, I would not be making any construction plans for PHL till after the holiday rush. PHL has enough problems already w/o having to work around construction in progress.

Hope you can stick it out thru these growing pains, we'll be better for it in the end, but dont expect miracles. you'll be disappointed.
I love it (not aimed at anyone here) when something happens and you get "I knew this merger was gonna suck". Had a guy the first couple weeks of the merger having a hissy about no kiosks, no separate FC HP line, etc. Everything was wrong. Well, 2 weeks before that day CO handled HP and guess what, no kiosks there either. No FC line for the HP Elite. So, what was the excuse for sorry service then? 😉
I cant see the company spending ANY money to install more kiosks until they can see if they can get both systems somehow to work on one or the other. No need to waste money to just have to take out and install new machines later. You can put in your HP FF number on the US kiosk so that is a step above where we are with the UA numbers at least.
As an agent working HP flights, I would LOVE for the kiosks to work. As it is now, we get home checkins (usually 10-20 a flight) and the skycaps (1 machine) to help us out. Everyone else has to check in with an agent. Its not too bad here except for the am flight. Seems many people want to wait until about 615 to check in for the 725 flight. That means most mornings we have about 70-90 people left to checkin with just under 45 mins to check them in. Even on the days we're lucky enough to have 3 people scheduled its tough to check them all in on time, especially if we get some kind of weird deal thrown in there.

My suggestion would be to check in at home next time, especially if you arent checking bags.
Also we've managed to get some interested agents involved with how to do basic checkin in case we end up in a deal. "Anyone not checking bags (start with the easiest) or who just wants to check bags, no seat changes, FF entered, etc. Strictly checkin." Helps move the line a little.
We have never had our agents in PHL it has always been CO and they treated us like a step sister. Check in from home! and if you can't find a computer somewhere like KINKO's and do it. I wouldn't be caught dead in that line in PHL.
Why do the "West" people keep using this example?
The "East" has only had Sabre since 1999 when we had to switch from Pacer due to the year "2000" glitch.
AND we switched right before the Thanksgiving holiday travel season....like the week before!
So please, quit saying we are afraid of change (this isn't our first merger) or that we can't handle the pressure.....been there, done that!

Are you kidding??? Where did I say East or West???!!
I also talked about HP changing from Native Shares to QIK. Same thing happened. As was said when US changed to SABRE you also had issues. This was a very general, understanding statement about changes and how "people in general" don't like them.
This attitude is exactly what we don't need. This immediate attack of "EAST" vs "WEST" is ridiculous!
To immediately assume I was attacking the EAST is unfair.
This needs to be stopped and each side needs to check themselves before they attack!
Also thanks to the others who came to my defense while I was unavailable 😀

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