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Alright Airtran, you can follow Delta's lead, as usual...

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We've gone ahead and done your dirty work, now follow behind us like scolded little puppies...

Delta777, that actually might be fun to 'Poop' in you shoes while you are not watching. I'd love to have a camera on your face when you notice!... Then again, perhaps not. What strikes me as interesting, is your 'continuence' of Striking out at us, FL! You surely should not be threatened now that Richard, AKA Dick, is running the show! If our, as you say, 'Puny Little Airline', is Hampering your Life to Financial Freedom, do you not recognize that your newly highered 'Big Dick', has more in store for you!
We've gone ahead and done your dirty work, now follow behind us like scolded little puppies...

Our original plan was to make you THINK that if you charged the fee first, then we would immediately start charging it too. What we're really going to do is let you charge it, then we'll not charge it, allowing you to not only display "bold leadership", but "negative bold leadership". When asked about Fornaro's statement that he made a few weeks ago, he'll reply that he didn't say we would definitely charge it if Delta did, only that we'd consider it. Once most of the airlines EXCEPT AirTran are charging it, and only then, will we RELUCTANLY "bring AirTran's fees in line with other carriers, so AirTran is not at a revenue disadvantage relative to the rest of the industry, blah blah blah". It's like the movie "The Waterboy"; we faked like we were going to fake. :blink: Now THAT'S leadership.

Boy 777, ya'll walked into that one quicker than I thought you would. :lol:
Well, except for B6 and WN, all the rest of the majors are charging for the first bag. I was wondering why FL wasnt charging myself. Even CO said (unless FL is diffferent) that they didnt notice any jump in bookings because of the fees on the other carriers. I guess FL might wait a couple months to see if the ATL people are any different and they notice a jump in bookings. If not, then they are just leaving money sitting on the table since most everyone else is charging.
Delta777, that actually might be fun to 'Poop' in you shoes while you are not watching. I'd love to have a camera on your face when you notice!...
You and your crazy feet fetishies......hahahahaha.....sorry, not on topic...I know.....bad girl.....

DL....there's money to be had. GO GET YOU SOME!!!

You and your crazy feet fetishies......hahahahaha.....sorry, not on topic...I know.....bad girl.....

DL....there's money to be had. GO GET YOU SOME!!!

Stop leaving them on my Ceiling fan and MAYBE, I'll be 'Fetish-Free'! Oh, the Topic thingie... I never check my bag and won't until the TSA stops the stuuupid 3 Ounce Rule. Then I can cram 12 packs again and be Happy! IS, Just for you.... CLT is now HoseTran!
Stop leaving them on my Ceiling fan and MAYBE, I'll be 'Fetish-Free'! Oh, the Topic thingie... I never check my bag and won't until the TSA stops the stuuupid 3 Ounce Rule. Then I can cram 12 packs again and be Happy! IS, Just for you.... CLT is now HoseTran!
Fantastic!! I would make some kind of joke about adding a second sock fee but somehow I'm pretty sure I've
  • a. gone off topic enough
  • c. gone off topic enough
  • b. wait, what happened here?

Oh well. .... so, is LemmingTran gonna charge?
Fantastic!! I would make some kind of joke about adding a second sock fee but somehow I'm pretty sure I've
  • a. gone off topic enough
  • c. gone off topic enough
  • b. wait, what happened here?

Oh well. .... so, is LemmingTran gonna charge?

What a silly question. Of course Airtran is going to follow Delta's lead and start charging for the 1st checked bags. They're in BIG trouble financially so every little bit counts. However, at Delta, Medallion members and those travelling in First and BusinessElite will be exempt from the charge. :up:
What a silly question. Of course Airtran is going to follow Delta's lead and start charging for the 1st checked bags. They're in BIG trouble financially so every little bit counts. However, at Delta, Medallion members and those travelling in First and BusinessElite will be exempt from the charge. :up:
... and what a silly response. Delta was the last of the Major Carriers to jump on this. We havn't yet... perhaps in the future. I'll agree the Bank Balance isn't too comfy right now but, with some luck and the 'tude' of most of our work force, we will prevail. If we don't, I can Flip Burgers next to the FF Maven, IS @ Wendy's! Also, what would you have to harp about if we went out of Business? I'd like for you to point out a Positive Post you have ever submitted, about another Air Carrier. Is that possible? (No need for Emoticons at this point)
... and what a silly response. Delta was the last of the Major Carriers to jump on this. We havn't yet... perhaps in the future. I'll agree the Bank Balance isn't too comfy right now but, with some luck and the 'tude' of most of our work force, we will prevail. If we don't, I can Flip Burgers next to the FF Maven, IS @ Wendy's! Also, what would you have to harp about if we went out of Business? I'd like for you to point out a Positive Post you have ever submitted, about another Air Carrier. Is that possible? (No need for Emoticons at this point)
If we went out of business (and I don't think we will), who might move in to take our place? B6 or WN? In delta777's fairy-tale land, we go out of business and Delta lives happily ever after, with no competition in ATL. That would have even him calling for a "do-over". 😱 (had to do the emoticon thing Q).
If we went out of business (and I don't think we will), who might move in to take our place? B6 or WN? In delta777's fairy-tale land, we go out of business and Delta lives happily ever after, with no competition in ATL. That would have even him calling for a "do-over". 😱 (had to do the emoticon thing Q).

B6 already tried moving into the fortress hub at ATL and was handed their collective rear ends. As for Southwest, they just suffered their first non-profitable quarter in 17 years. Safe to say they'd rather not pick a fight with the World's largest, most powerful mega-airline right now.
B6 already tried moving into the fortress hub at ATL and was handed their collective rear ends. As for Southwest, they just suffered their first non-profitable quarter in 17 years. Safe to say they'd rather not pick a fight with the World's largest, most powerful mega-airline right now.

Yeah, that is why WN is moving into MSP. Because DL/NW have this attitude that they don't stink the planet. Fares will go down, like they should. It is amazing that fares from Chicago to MSP are about to drop back to fees that are reasonable.

To fly from MCI-MSP when Vanguard was around, $100 RT, today, $400 RT. It equals 96cents per mile. Whereas MCI-ORD is down to 57cents per mile, MCI-DEN around 49cents per mile, MCI-DFW 48cents, and MCI-ATL 38cents per mile.

So, first, why would WN choose to go to MSP instead of ATL? Economics. If they can keep the fares around 50+cents per mile, then why not. But, why go to ATL where prices are too low?
B6 already tried moving into the fortress hub at ATL and was handed their collective rear ends. As for Southwest, they just suffered their first non-profitable quarter in 17 years. Safe to say they'd rather not pick a fight with the World's largest, most powerful mega-airline right now.
We all know how the demise of EA boosted the ego of DL, but it hardly gave them the edge they were looking for. And while you are riding the "handing of their collective rear ends" wave, think back at what AA did to DL in DFW pal. A hub only 2nd to ATL, and DL packed up shop and left town with their tail between their legs. I recall Crandall saying that DL won't make another ATL here on our turf, and damn if he wasn't right. Lets look at the CVG hub while your smoking your crack pipe too...From another Mega-hub, to a friggen RJ hub. Funny how you fail to recall any of DL's failures over the years isn't it....Must be that world revolves around ATL mentality. :up:
If UglyTran goes out of business, how will Q ever get to CLT to give me my sock back? I think they should charge for bags, but charge it in pesos.
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha PesoTran!!
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