Amazing how little some people know about negotiated agreements. :down:
UAL has petitioned the court to terminate the pensions.
Pilots (ALPA) have agreed to the termination of theirs, but only if all others are terminated. A first year law student could certainly see why that provision is in there.
If the provision wasn't in there, the ALPA would have a monster of a malpractice case against their lawyers.
Certainly makes sense to me.
Does anyone really expect the pilots to AGREE to terminate their plan if there was a chance that the company would agree to retain some other groups' pensions?
It's unlikely to occur (company agreeing with pilots to terminate their plan but agreeing with another group to keep their plan), but the pilots wanted to make their concession agreement contingent on the same pain being shared by all: namely, the termination of their DB pension.
What's so evil about that?
Bear96 seems to understand. I tend to agree with uafa21: I'm not sure the convertible debt is kosher, but we'll see if the creditors complain (or prevail).