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Alpa Mec Chairman Message

Smartest Loser said:
What about the 20% DROP IN FUEL PRICES...??

You haven't seen any data on that now have you..??

What about the NON-LABOR COST..??? Please supply examples of such..?? You can't..!!


Management has been blessed with historically high fuel prices coincident with hammering the unions for concessions. Once the labor costs are settled into the lowest in the industry, and the price of fuel goes down (and according to EVERY analyst, it will,) there will be millions in profits.

Then the thieves in CCY will reap the rewards in bonuses and raises for themselves. Oddly, all of these machinations will escape any substantial notice by the media. USAirways will become the darling of Wall Street because the money will roll in, and (this is very important) a good portion of that profit will literally come out of the pockets of organized labor. Wall Street loves a coup like this.
nycbusdriver, that's why each union negotiated some form of profit sharing (or so I thought). You should want millions of profits to be rolling in, especially if you have a meaningful profit sharing plan.