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Sep 17, 2002
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ALPA's American Eagle Pilots Begin Interim Contract Talks

FT. WORTH, Texas, April 12 /PRNewswire/ -- After nearly a year of preparation, American Eagle pilots, represented by the Air Line Pilots Association, International (ALPA), today commence interim contract negotiations to improve pilot wages and working conditions.

The current contract talks are part of several amendment rounds built into the Eagle pilots' 16-year agreement to ensure that its terms and conditions are adjusted every four years to keep pace with pilot contracts at peer carriers and to reflect the growth and success of American Eagle Airlines. The pilots provided labor stability and operational predictability when they negotiated the agreement in 1997, in exchange for pay and work rules that would grow with the industry.

"We see this as an opportunity to make some positive changes for our pilots," said Capt. Herb Mark, chairman of the Eagle pilots' Master Executive Council. "Our present agreement does not take into consideration the major changes or the considerable expansion that have taken place at our airline in the last seven years. These days, Eagle is a major player in the industry and flies over 1,400 daily flights to more than 130 cities in North America including the Caribbean. We need a contract that will help us recruit and retain the best pilots in the industry, if we are to maintain this level of success."

Capt. Andy Nordgren, chairman of the Eagle pilots' negotiating team, added, "We are pleased with the spirit of cooperation and professionalism we've witnessed from our management team as we've prepared for these talks. The Eagle pilots hope that this attitude and atmosphere will prevail as we confront much-needed improvements to our labor agreement."

ALPA represents 64,000 airline pilots at 42 airlines in the U.S. and Canada. Its website is www.alpa.org.

SOURCE Air Line Pilots Association

CO: Air Line Pilots Association; American Eagle

ST: Texas


Web site: http://www.alpa.org


04/12/2004 11:03 EDT