Here is a Aviation Week article about Carty a couple years old. "From Aviation Week & Space Technology, April 15th
American Airlines CEO Donald Carty's unusual letter to Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta toward the end of American and British Airways' futile application for U.S.-U.K. antitrust immunity draws a slap from the department. Issuing its final order in the case, the department says in a footnote it was "concerned about the letter's intemperate tone." Perhaps it was Carty's complaint that the department "chose a path of political expedience" in setting conditions on immunity. Or maybe his assertion that Heathrow Airport slot divestiture requirements were "about punishing [AA and BA] and/or enriching those of our competitors who complained the loudest." Whatever, the Transportation Dept. took the occasion to "remind participants in our proceedings of our rules regarding standards of conduct."
American Airlines CEO Donald Carty's unusual letter to Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta toward the end of American and British Airways' futile application for U.S.-U.K. antitrust immunity draws a slap from the department. Issuing its final order in the case, the department says in a footnote it was "concerned about the letter's intemperate tone." Perhaps it was Carty's complaint that the department "chose a path of political expedience" in setting conditions on immunity. Or maybe his assertion that Heathrow Airport slot divestiture requirements were "about punishing [AA and BA] and/or enriching those of our competitors who complained the loudest." Whatever, the Transportation Dept. took the occasion to "remind participants in our proceedings of our rules regarding standards of conduct."