Airtran Taking Over Us In Pit?


Nov 30, 2003
Rumor has it that AirTran will be increasing operations in PIT and possibly in
24months an employee and maint. base will be established there and in DFW.... with 100 new 737's they might be able to pick up the pieces that US will shatter in PIT. Acutally giving people a choice and a good fare? Time will tell.
If they don't move on it, I'm sure WN will be happy to fill the gap. ;)

I suspect that any of the LCCs would be able to do a fine job serving PIT.
I'm sure the remaining US Airways employees in PIT are waiting to see which carrier will "fill the void" to see which airline they need to send those job applications to...

Good Luck to everyone.
One thing for sure...US doesnt know how to grow, but they sure know how to turn tail and run. We saw that all over the West Coast. Our thoughts and prayers are with the folks in PIT who are in the process of seeing everything disappear under their feet. Good luck to all there.
WestCoastGuy said:
US doesnt know how to grow, but they sure know how to turn tail and run.
The airline is Unfortunately Still Allegheny, the most inefficient airline in the industry. Nobody in charge, ever, has had a clue how to fix it; the smart thing would have been for Colodny to incorporate PI and PS processes into the business, instead of shoving Allegheny down everyone's throats.

But that culture is now more than 15 years old. It's so entrenched that I doubt it would be possible under any circumstances to fix it.
I continue to remain fascinated by this notion that some LCC will enter PIT in a large way after US dismantles PIT as a hub. There is NOTHING keeping any one of those LCCs from moving in NOW. There's plenty of gate and counter space. WN will be in PIT some day, and they will be in CLT some day. But, US is certainly not stopping them at this point.
USFlyer said:
There is NOTHING keeping any one of those LCCs from moving in NOW.
Lack of resources is. There's not much point in moving in unless you've got the planes to serve it. It certainly wouldn't be wise to pull down existing service to add PIT.
The LCCs won't serve near as many places as US has, but they will move the PIT population where they most want to go. PIT has too much financially at stake not to get someone else in there.
USFlyer said:
I continue to remain fascinated by this notion that some LCC will enter PIT in a large way after US dismantles PIT as a hub. There is NOTHING keeping any one of those LCCs from moving in NOW. There's plenty of gate and counter space. WN will be in PIT some day, and they will be in CLT some day. But, US is certainly not stopping them at this point.
Why go now?

What LCC has ever (pre-PHL) gone into a hub where the incumbant carrier had a %75+ share?

Or, why not wait a few months until the bond issue kicks in that will lower the debt?
WorldTraveler said:
The LCCs won't serve near as many places as US has, but they will move the PIT population where they most want to go. PIT has too much financially at stake not to get someone else in there.

USAirways is just plain stupid if they let PIT go. SW will be coming to Pittsburgh. (You heard it first on here).

They will ensure their stronghold on the East Coast; Just as USAirways was able to build an east coast franchise by building up PIT where no one else could come in.

If U gives up PIT, it will be a travesty to our business and franchise.
USFlyer said:
I continue to remain fascinated by this notion that some LCC will enter PIT in a large way after US dismantles PIT as a hub. There is NOTHING keeping any one of those LCCs from moving in NOW. There's plenty of gate and counter space. WN will be in PIT some day, and they will be in CLT some day. But, US is certainly not stopping them at this point.
USairways has the monopoly on PIT at present. When managment is asked why don't they rationalize the fares out of PIT for the folks who drive to Cleveland, etc can get a reasonable fare....

Their answer...."they don't have to rationalize fares, they have the monopoly. As U pulls out, others will come in. Carriers are waiting to come in. They are waiting for U to depart.
PITbull said:
USAirways is just plain stupid if they let PIT go.
Except that they can't make a profit in PIT.

SW will be coming to Pittsburgh. (You heard it first on here).
Not from you, though. :) I pointed that one out six months ago.
I'm not so sure. If U serves PIT's top ten markets plus some other U and UAL hubs with Go Fares, THAT would more likely keep an LCC at bay.... that is IF U has costs capable of financially sustaining Go Fares. I admit, I'm assuming Go Fares are actually LCC type fares.
ClueByFour said:
Why go now?

What LCC has ever (pre-PHL) gone into a hub where the incumbant carrier had a %75+ share?
just a few
peoples express in ewr
swa in lax
air tran in atl
awa in phx (70s phx w
s 70% aa)
midway at rdu
alaska in sea


basically Pit does not have enough o/d traffic as compared to other metropolitan areas hence the lcc's in maximizing efforts will go to places with more o/d (phx,ord,dfw,dtw,msp,las) doesn't mean lcc's wont come to pit but never will pit achieve the kinds of volume it has/had with uair as a hub..
javaboy said:
just a few
peoples express in ewr
swa in lax
air tran in atl
awa in phx (70s phx w
s 70% aa)
midway at rdu
alaska in sea


basically Pit does not have enough o/d traffic as compared to other metropolitan areas hence the lcc's in maximizing efforts will go to places with more o/d (phx,ord,dfw,dtw,msp,las) doesn't mean lcc's wont come to pit but never will pit achieve the kinds of volume it has/had with uair as a hub..
People Express in EWR? What on earth are you talking about? Who was the 70+ carrier there?
Ditto with WN at LAX. Nobody had 70+ there either.

The others, however, are good examples.

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