If the Golf Cart has fully charged batteries in Peach Tree City, the World is a wonderful place.We shall see how far your "livable wages" go with the economy in the toilet coupled with the merger related costs and increased total payroll. Want to bet they will be back in a few years if not sooner looking for a giveback? Can't say it hasn't happend before can ya? Many other Airlines such as UA gave their pilots HUGE raises, only to strip them away soon afterwards. I hope you have a ladder to get down off your DL high horse.
Ron Allen just about ran DL to the edge, and there is no guarentee that Anderson won't do the same. You may outlast a few O/A, but don't get too cockey about it. You seem to get great joy out of others misfortune, but focus very little on your own Airlines board. While $6B is a lot of cash, it can go out the door before you know it.....Only time will tell, and maybe then you will take a look back at how quick you were to be joyful at everyone else's problems and misfortune at their jobs. While I take time to read all of the boards, I never jump on, or in your case start a negaitve topic about a competitor. Every Airline operating in todays environment has it's issues, but you fail the see your own company in the mix. FYI I have had family and friends that worked for DL for years before you were even walking, and they shake their heads at what the company has become. Ask some of the retiree's what they think of DL? I don't know any that have a positive word to say...Not ONE. Delta has screwed just as many of it's employees as any other Airline, but for some reason you fail to see it. I guess asl long as they grease your palm, all is OK in Deltaland...
How many stations have they outsourced? Reservations jobs lost to India? Mainline flying lost to RJ's?
Take the time to look, and you will see it's just about the same in your house as it is at other Airlines. But assuming that you are a Pilot, none of those lost jobs effect you, so it doesn't matter. I haven't known too many from your group that care about anyone but themselves anyway, since the world revolves around their wants and needs.