Airtran loses $107 million in 3rd quarter...

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I especially liked this line from Fornaro,

Fornaro said Thursday that AirTran has chosen not to impose a fee on a first checked bag largely because Delta has chosen not to. If Delta changed its mind, AirTran would seriously consider changing its mind, too, Fornaro said.

"We prefer to be a follower in this situation rather than a leader," he said.

So much for bold leadership.
So you're saying that if AirTran had, prior to Delta, charged a fee for the first checked bag, you would have dropped everything, rushed over to your computer, and started a topic on the AirTran board titled, "Bob Fornaro, Bold Leader". And, in your post describing this incredibly "bold leadership", you would have explained how everyone at AirTran should ignore the backlash from the public, negative publicity in the media, etc., because, well golly gee Wally, it's just "bold leadership". Riiiiiiiiiiiight... <_<

I'm wouldn't call anything emanating lately from MCO HQ any kind of leadership, bold or otherwise. But your feigned disappointment was too humorous to not comment. :lol:
I especially liked this line from Fornaro,

Fornaro said Thursday that AirTran has chosen not to impose a fee on a first checked bag largely because Delta has chosen not to. If Delta changed its mind, AirTran would seriously consider changing its mind, too, Fornaro said.

"We prefer to be a follower in this situation rather than a leader," he said.

So much for bold leadership.
Well it is interesting that some of you Posters here claim how FL is flooding the Market when DL is doing likewise! Of course, only on Routes where we compete. Just wait until your merger goes through and see how Northwest sets you up!
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So you're saying that if AirTran had, prior to Delta, charged a fee for the first checked bag, you would have dropped everything, rushed over to your computer, and started a topic on the AirTran board titled, "Bob Fornaro, Bold Leader". And, in your post describing this incredibly "bold leadership", you would have explained how everyone at AirTran should ignore the backlash from the public, negative publicity in the media, etc., because, well golly gee Wally, it's just "bold leadership". Riiiiiiiiiiiight... <_<

I'm wouldn't call anything emanating lately from MCO HQ any kind of leadership, bold or otherwise. But your feigned disappointment was too humorous to not comment. :lol:

Had Airtran simply gone ahead and instituted the checked baggage fee, without begging and pleading for DAL to take the lead, and therefore the flack, i wouldn't have said anything. Like i said nothing when other carriers announced the new fee. However, for Fornaro to suggest that DAL be the one to hold its feet to the fire first, so Airtran doesn't receive all of the negative press to follow, is simply ridiculous.

If i were a passenger, and read how Airtrans CEO is practically on both knees in asking DAL to start charging for the 1st checked bag, so Airtran could follow closely behind, only to act like they were merely following Delta's lead, when in fact, they were the ones pushing it. What gall.
I'll give you credit for admitting in your first sentence that when it comes to AirTran, the only thing coming from you is criticism. But, nothing in Fornaro's quote indicated anyone being "on both knees".

You think allowing a competitor to charge the public for something (1st checked bag) before you do, and observing the public's reaction to that new charge, is "simply ridiculous"??? Really??? Then we can safely assume that every fare increase that Delta hasn't been the first to impose, led you to think that Delta's management is "simply ridiculous" and lacking in "bold leadership". I call it the way the industry's worked for a long time, but perhaps you were too busy looking for "ridiculous" actions from others to notice.
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The only problem with your argument is that Airtran wasn't "allowing" Delta to take the lead, they were begging them to.

And i think we both know what the publics reaction to the new charge would be, hence the reason Airtran wanted Delta to "take the lead".

Thanks, but no thanks. <_<
The only "problem" is that there is nothing in the CNBC story you cited about "being on both knees" and "begging". I reread the story; you still have the same "problem".

In your constant search for something to slam AirTran about, you accuse our CEO of doing what is done all the time in this industry, whether its with fares, fees, or routes.

I guess Delta was on their knees and begging AirTran to start service to CAK and PHF prior to Delta's entry. Gee, I never really thought about it that way before...Delta being on their knees and everything. I feel sooooooo superior now.
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The only "problem" is that there is nothing in the CNBC story you cited about "being on both knees" and "begging". I reread the story; you still have the same "problem".

In your constant search for something to slam AirTran about, you accuse our CEO of doing what is done all the time in this industry, whether its with fares, fees, or routes.

I guess Delta was on their knees and begging AirTran to start service to CAK and PHF prior to Delta's entry. Gee, I never really thought about it that way before...Delta being on their knees and everything. I feel sooooooo superior now.

If you didn't see in the article where Fornaro was on bended knee pleading for DAL to take the Public Relations hit with the 1st bag charge so Airtran could impliment the fee like a thief in the night, then i would ask you to read it for a 3rd time.

Fornaro said Thursday that AirTran has chosen not to impose a fee on a first checked bag largely because Delta has chosen not to. If Delta changed its mind, AirTran would seriously consider changing its mind, too, Fornaro said.

"We prefer to be a follower in this situation rather than a leader," he said.

Hmm....what could he be insinuating???? :lol:
If you didn't see in the article where Fornaro was on bended knee pleading for DAL to take the Public Relations hit with the 1st bag charge so Airtran could impliment the fee like a thief in the night, then i would ask you to read it for a 3rd time.

Fornaro said Thursday that AirTran has chosen not to impose a fee on a first checked bag largely because Delta has chosen not to. If Delta changed its mind, AirTran would seriously consider changing its mind, too, Fornaro said.

"We prefer to be a follower in this situation rather than a leader," he said.

Hmm....what could he be insinuating???? :lol:
I could read it 33 times, and it's still not going to contain anything about bended knees, pleading, etc. Allowing DAL to take the public relations hit? Absolutely. If there is none, possibly following with our own fee for first checked bag? Positively. Begging and pleading, on bended knee for DAL to so? No where in the article.

I don't think charging for the first bag would be a good idea. Why don't you share with us your opinion on this? You could then explain why, if it's such a good idea, that Delta hasn't displayed "bold leadership" and already implemented it. Or, if it's such a bad idea, why AirTran is so stupid for not implementing it, and simply stating that when it comes to fees that are likely to generate a backlash from the public and negative PR from the media, we'd allow a competitor to go first.

I have the feeling that you don't even have an opinion on a fee for the first checked bag. You took a statement from our CEO stating that we'd prefer to not be the "guinea pig" with this, and turned it into, "They're begging, they're pleading, they're on bended knee". I think Delta'a a fine airline, and its employees (if you are one) have no reason to make things up about a competitor in order to feel good about who they work for. Apparently, you disagree.
I especially liked this line from Fornaro,

Fornaro said Thursday that AirTran has chosen not to impose a fee on a first checked bag largely because Delta has chosen not to. If Delta changed its mind, AirTran would seriously consider changing its mind, too, Fornaro said.

"We prefer to be a follower in this situation rather than a leader," he said.

So much for bold leadership.
As usual, you are quick to spread the news of another Airlines issues. Funny that I didn't see you post any comments over on the DL board in regard to their losses. But then again this is from a member who posts trash about another Airlines stock drop %, while his own is trading at less than $1 more as of Friday's close.
Your dear Delta may have been fortunate enough to have EA dissappear from their backyard years ago, but don't count on Airtran doing you another favor.
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As usual, you are quick to spread the news of another Airlines issues. Funny that I didn't see you post any comments over on the DL board in regard to their losses. But then again this is from a member who posts trash about another Airlines stock drop %, while his own is trading at less than $1 more as of Friday's close.
Your dear Delta may have been fortunate enough to have EA dissappear from their backyard years ago, but don't count on Airtran doing you another favor.

I know, we lost $26 million on revenues of $5.72 Billion. Oh the humanity!!! Airtran, however, reported a HUGE loss of $107 million on revenues of $673 million. A few more quarters like that, and nobody will have to worry about Airtran anymore.

As for stock prices, no major airline has seen as precipitious a drop in share price as has LCC, which by the way, also announced a MASSIVE loss this past quarter. Good day
I know, we lost $26 million on revenues of $5.72 Billion. Oh the humanity!!! Airtran, however, reported a HUGE loss of $107 million on revenues of $673 million. A few more quarters like that, and nobody will have to worry about Airtran anymore.

Our loss was indeed huge. But, you forgot to include "special items" in your $26 million quote on Delta, while including special items in your AirTran quote. It doesn't make that much of a difference on either side from what I can tell (Delta's loss would be about $50 million, while AirTran's would be about $65 million), but I still wonder why someone who works for such a great airline feels it necessary to use different criteria in comparing his company with such a lowly competitor.

Actually, after reviewing AirTran's quarterly report, I've discovered that AirTran had a 3rd quarter profit of $256.8 million (IWDHTPFF)*.

*IWDHTPFF = If We Didn't Have To Pay For Fuel

If I exclude SWAOFOC*, our quarterly profit was $376.97 million. :up:

*SWAOFOC = Salaries, Wages, And Other Forms Of Compensation

I don't get it, 777. After doing all of that, after skewing the numbers in my favor, I don't feel superior. What am I doing wrong? Did I forget something?

And, I do hope there comes a day when you don't worry about AirTran anymore like you do now; it's called losing the hatred.
I know, we lost $26 million on revenues of $5.72 Billion. Oh the humanity!!! Airtran, however, reported a HUGE loss of $107 million on revenues of $673 million. A few more quarters like that, and nobody will have to worry about Airtran anymore.

As for stock prices, no major airline has seen as precipitious a drop in share price as has LCC, which by the way, also announced a MASSIVE loss this past quarter. Good day
Your treasured DL stock is 34 CENTS higher than LCC's, and your pointing fingers? Just wait until the merger with NW, and DL will start bleeding like a stuck pig. Once they pay all of you fine folks that extra few $$$$,
I'm sure it will start to show very soon. Does the cash bleeding blunder of the PA days escape your mind???
Why the lack of comment on your loss, on your board?? I'm sure you cronies over there will love the
spin that you put on it... :up:
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Your treasured DL stock is 34 CENTS higher than LCC's, and your pointing fingers? Just wait until the merger with NW, and DL will start bleeding like a stuck pig. Once they pay all of you fine folks that extra few $$$$,
I'm sure it will start to show very soon. Does the cash bleeding blunder of the PA days escape your mind???
Why the lack of comment on your loss, on your board?? I'm sure you cronies over there will love the
spin that you put on it... :up:

I know, how dare DAL pay its employees livable wages!!! We should follow Parkers theory on compensation. You know, a maddening race to the bottom. :lol: The combined DAL/NWA will have over $6 Billion of cash on hand. If there's any bleeding to take place, we will surely outlast LCC and Airtran.
I know, how dare DAL pay its employees livable wages!!! We should follow Parkers theory on compensation. You know, a maddening race to the bottom. :lol: The combined DAL/NWA will have over $6 Billion of cash on hand. If there's any bleeding to take place, we will surely outlast LCC and Airtran.
We shall see how far your "livable wages" go with the economy in the toilet coupled with the merger related costs and increased total payroll. Want to bet they will be back in a few years if not sooner looking for a giveback? Can't say it hasn't happend before can ya? Many other Airlines such as UA gave their pilots HUGE raises, only to strip them away soon afterwards. I hope you have a ladder to get down off your DL high horse.
Ron Allen just about ran DL to the edge, and there is no guarentee that Anderson won't do the same. You may outlast a few O/A, but don't get too cockey about it. You seem to get great joy out of others misfortune, but focus very little on your own Airlines board. While $6B is a lot of cash, it can go out the door before you know it.....Only time will tell, and maybe then you will take a look back at how quick you were to be joyful at everyone else's problems and misfortune at their jobs. While I take time to read all of the boards, I never jump on, or in your case start a negaitve topic about a competitor. Every Airline operating in todays environment has it's issues, but you fail the see your own company in the mix. FYI I have had family and friends that worked for DL for years before you were even walking, and they shake their heads at what the company has become. Ask some of the retiree's what they think of DL? I don't know any that have a positive word to say...Not ONE. Delta has screwed just as many of it's employees as any other Airline, but for some reason you fail to see it. I guess asl long as they grease your palm, all is OK in Deltaland...
How many stations have they outsourced? Reservations jobs lost to India? Mainline flying lost to RJ's?
Take the time to look, and you will see it's just about the same in your house as it is at other Airlines. But assuming that you are a Pilot, none of those lost jobs effect you, so it doesn't matter. I haven't known too many from your group that care about anyone but themselves anyway, since the world revolves around their wants and needs.
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