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Airline About To Kick The Bucket

Well, FlyI did not declare Chapter 11 before the BK laws change. They must have a rabbit in their hat. Just my thoughts...........
Well, FlyI did not declare Chapter 11 before the BK laws change. They must have a rabbit in their hat. Just my thoughts...........

While you may be correct that FlyI has another rabbit in their hat, they could still file today. The new BK laws don't go into effect until Monday, Oct 17.

Anyway, as a very small airline, the new laws would not impair their ability to successfully reorganize the same way the new laws would have impacted DL or NW, so we may still see a filing before the holidays.
Well, FlyI did not declare Chapter 11 before the BK laws change. They must have a rabbit in their hat. Just my thoughts...........
-- Just a thought... look to Virgin America. As I recall, they were looking for US airline since they couldn't get in, being foreign owned. I recall reading they were "supporting" DH at one point.
Well, FlyI did not declare Chapter 11 before the BK laws change. They must have a rabbit in their hat. Just my thoughts...........

I would guess that the reason that DH did not file Ch. 11 is b/c their business model...based on competing on price alone...has never worked in any industry and no reorganization will benefit it. They have the lowest prices on their routes, fly high CASM planes (majority), and cannot seem to get a LF that even equals their rivals. No...DH knows that they cannot reorganize (mostly since they cannot come up with BK financing) and they will go straight to Ch. 7 when they do.

Shame to have so stupidly burnt all of that cash. They were one of the shiny spots in a rather bleak industry before taking their jabs at UA and mucking up pricing for the industry.
FLYI is keeping their heads above water for now. But, they are only a blizzard-over-the-weekend from having a meltdown. If IAD got shutdown for a day, that could spell out doom for FLYI. Just my thoughts..........
Well in EWR, they will go down to ONLY * 3 * Flights Daily. That is much less then Hourly Service wil Flyi first started.