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Afa Wants To Authorize Strike

Borescope said:
UA might not be here right now had it not been for the pilots trying to "choke the golden goose", and then when they didn't get what they wanted, Summer of 2000, nuff said. See ya on the picket line........oh, I forgot. ALPA's won't help their union bro's and sis's until they get all their's first. As you said before, pilots don't have a marketable skill, since we won't see you on the picket line, see you in the unemployment line. :up:

Any money lost during the much exaggerated "Summer of 2000" pales to the amount needed to exit bankruptcy or that was lost, for that matter. How much money did that little time card fiasco cost UAL? And I assume that since you are supporting some sort of job action in the up and coming months, I'm sure you understand that the money you will be responsible for losing will make the "Summer of 2000" and your time card schnanigan look like a day at the beach. Is it OK to make a point by publicly supporting a strike at UAL and scare passengers away but your interpretation of the summer of 2000 was not OK when ALPA had to make its point? Isn't that a little hypocritical?

I'm a Captain for a major airline and I don't have a marketable skill? Is the world going to stop flying airplanes if UAL fails? Yes, if UAL goes on strike you will see me on the unemployment line, at least temporarily. Then I will find another job at another airline and start again- a risk that me and my family have accepted by chosing this profession. What's your point? Are you supporting a job action to put pilots out of work temporarily or to protest a contract? Do you take pleasure in the fact that there will be many people (pilots, flt attendants, mechanics, everyone) who may not be as prepared for UAL to fail as you or me? If you guys chose to strike, fine- that's your right. It may turn out to be a necessary evil but you shouldn't take so much pleasure in it.

Blues, you're a moron for posting such crap. You know nothing about me. Go spend your $1.99 month on a clue instead of this forum.
The Ronin said:
HAHAHAHAHAHAH....YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING RIGHT???? Have you seen our F/A's lately....It's a dead heat on the model runway...f/a's vs mech's...LOL


Fly said:
You are so full of it! Have you SEEN the tenative?
There is no tentative agreement. All our "leaders", in these extraordinary circumstances, find it more important to participate in BOD meetings instead of the hard work of hammering out an agreement.

There is NO action coming from AFA except mindless posturing. SOSDD.
ok, let me rephrase that:

You are so full of it! Have you SEEN this proposal? Better?
Fly said:
ok, let me rephrase that:

You are so full of it! Have you SEEN this proposal? Better?
The point is AFA should be engaging in negotiations on behalf of the membership, not issuing directives. They continue to fail the membership...SOSDD.
herkav8r said:
Sounds like a bunch of FA in the unemployment line with no marketable job skills. In fact, the only group with any marketable skills are the mechanics.
Hey genius.....90% of the f/as have college degrees, and some with MBAs. "No marketable job skills" is ridiculous. What do you call safety and customer service for 20 years?????
Jennyann said:
Hey genius.....90% of the f/as have college degrees, and some with MBAs. "No marketable job skills" is ridiculous. What do you call safety and customer service for 20 years?????

Do you have proof of 90% of f/a's have college degrees? That seems like a huge STRETCH to me.
I think AFA's move is bold but necessary. It is posturing, but we all should vote to strike so that the MEC can go to the negotiating table with the support of the rank and file behind them. As a UAL F/A, I personally support the action. We all know the consequences of an actual strike, but I am all for showing some solidarity with our collective bargaining reps as they head back to the negotiating table. I think it's important to support AFA's posturing. Hopefully, the apathetic membership will understand this.

As far as the proposal, yes it does suck, but I have to remind myself that the company will always ask for more than they will actually get and that AFA will demand more than they will actually achieve, and hopefully a middle ground will be reached. But for a middle ground to be reached, our MEC needs to have the support and solidarity of its rank and file membership so that they can go to the table some momentum behind them.

Personally speaking, I knew that when we voted for our last concessionary agreement, that it wasn't going to be enough. AA F/A's sacrificed alot more in terms of work rules and quality of life than we did. This latest round comes as no surprise, but yes...IT REALLY SUCKS!
JAMAKE1 said:
I think AFA's move is bold but necessary. It is posturing, but we all should vote to strike so that the MEC can go to the negotiating table with the support of the rank and file behind them. As a UAL F/A, I personally support the action. We all know the consequences of an actual strike, but I am all for showing some solidarity with our collective bargaining reps as they head back to the negotiating table. I think it's important to support AFA's posturing. Hopefully, the apathetic membership will understand this.

As far as the proposal, yes it does suck, but I have to remind myself that the company will always ask for more than they will actually get and that AFA will demand more than they will actually achieve, and hopefully a middle ground will be reached. But for a middle ground to be reached, our MEC needs to have the support and solidarity of its rank and file membership so that they can go to the table some momentum behind them.

Personally speaking, I knew that when we voted for our last concessionary agreement, that it wasn't going to be enough. AA F/A's sacrificed alot more in terms of work rules and quality of life than we did. This latest round comes as no surprise, but yes...IT REALLY SUCKS!
Hate to say this but I think the company is going to get all of this. Until a true "battle" occurs, whether at UAL or U, this trend will not stop. I see a lot of anger, but very few fighters....
ualdriver said:
Any money lost during the much exaggerated "Summer of 2000" pales to the amount needed to exit bankruptcy or that was lost, for that matter. How much money did that little time card fiasco cost UAL? And I assume that since you are supporting some sort of job action in the up and coming months, I'm sure you understand that the money you will be responsible for losing will make the "Summer of 2000" and your time card schnanigan look like a day at the beach. Is it OK to make a point by publicly supporting a strike at UAL and scare passengers away but your interpretation of the summer of 2000 was not OK when ALPA had to make its point? Isn't that a little hypocritical?

I'm a Captain for a major airline and I don't have a marketable skill? Is the world going to stop flying airplanes if UAL fails? Yes, if UAL goes on strike you will see me on the unemployment line, at least temporarily. Then I will find another job at another airline and start again- a risk that me and my family have accepted by chosing this profession. What's your point? Are you supporting a job action to put pilots out of work temporarily or to protest a contract? Do you take pleasure in the fact that there will be many people (pilots, flt attendants, mechanics, everyone) who may not be as prepared for UAL to fail as you or me? If you guys chose to strike, fine- that's your right. It may turn out to be a necessary evil but you shouldn't take so much pleasure in it.

Blues, you're a moron for posting such crap. You know nothing about me. Go spend your $1.99 month on a clue instead of this forum.
so i guess your answer is no i take it lol
Fly said:
Your argument doesn't hold water. They have demanded concessions that have no dollar value just for the sake of demoralizing the flight attendants more. So sorry, buh bye.

I won't cross the line of any AFA carrier who strikes...especially if it come down to giving any management team the power to abolish what are horrible contracts WITH negotiations. Can you imagine 100% control?

Fly, are the UAL f/a's willing to strike for US?
Let's not miss the point. UA will re-set (i.e. lower) the bar further for the rest of the industry. All the concessions and cutbacks that UA successfully wrings from its' workforce will have to be duplicated by all the remaining legacy carriers. They will have no choice. UA writes off pensions? The other airlines will have to either do the same or reach some level of creativity they've yet to find. UA get significant pay/work rule/benefit cutbacks? The others will follow. So UA isn't the only airline that will be left with a demoralized workforce. Nearly the entire U.S. airline industry will have to deal with a demoralized, beaten workforce. And in a service industry, we all know what happens when employees are worn down. Service inevitably suffers. Every airline is watching the developments at UA VERY closely. I don't believe many are watching the situation at US Airways with all that much concern. With all due respect, I believe the general consensus is that US Airways is on life-support and it's only a question of when the plug gets pulled for good. If oil prices do not come down, which I don't believe will happen, US Airways may not survive to see the summer of 2005. But UA on the other hand is a horse of an entirely different color. While they may ultimately fail, it won't be anytime soon. And the prospect of a restructured United coming out of bankruptcy with CASM in the neighborhood of 8 cents per ASM is a frightening prospect, one that would most likely force the other legacy carriers to either reorganize in Chapter 11 also, or reach similary-structured cost-saving agreements on the courthouse steps.
operaations said:
I do not know what to think. All iI know is I am scared like the rest of the industry. We blame Management....all the time. Why dont we also blame government. The oil industry needs to be regulated. Why should they make over a Billion in profit and Airlines...families and other companies go bankrupt because they can not afford the oil prices.

1. Before you talk oil prices, talk taxes. Look at the cost of buying a ticket! It isn't a percentage tax either, it's a fixed fee tax. That means on a $199 fare, some 20-30% is TAXES. Way too high for the state we are in.

2. JetBlue and Southwest can afford fuel, so it isn't all airlines. It's old and lethargic ones like ours that have over 40% of our costs as LABOR.

3. People like you that think that profits should be regulated scare me. This is a free market system we have here.