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PineyBob said:
I think the assumption is that most Res/gate/ticket type work is in the 7.00 to 10.00 range per hour and that US employees are "lucky" to have a proposal for $13.10/hr. I know that Spirit starts out in ACY for $7.50/hr on the ticket counter. Question is how long to they stay there?

Whos assumption is that MOST of this type work is in this range? Only HP tops out at 13.10/hr that I am aware of. I do not know the Spirit scale so maybe they dont do as well, but then we arent really comparing MOST if we're only talking about Spirit. Heck, even throw ATA in there and it still isnt MOST. US starting salary is 9.52/hr. Once again, if you are going to compare starting salaries, then it needs to be done across the board. No 7.50 for Spirit vs 20.00 for US. Apples to apples. MOST of our (until recently) compared competitors and even some of our more recently compared competitors top out at not less than $16.75/hr (AirTran) and MANY are topped out at the same or more 20/hr Jetblue and 21+ for Southwest. I know that the 20.00/hr is probably not going to remain, but the 13.10/hr is an insult to those of us who have been here for 15-25+ years. If they even offered another new scale for everyone starting today to make this wage so newhires knew you are going to only top out at 13.10/hr, then it might have been able to pass, but not at this point.
PineyBob said:

That's why I threw the questions out there I think there are misconceptions as to what someone who does what you do can earn. I am hopefull that others with outside the airline industry will add to the discussion.

I do honestly try to understand all sides of an issue.

Bottom line you show an employee who will cheerfully take $13.10/hr when they made $21.05/hr last Tuesday and I'll show you a person who is none to confident in his/her marketability. So for me the questions then become, is that fear unfounded? What is the "Real World" really like? What are the opportunities?

In my perfect world I want to see US survive, the workers thrive, if not on a financial level then in having a positive workplace, preferrably both. The challenge is to take a step back in hopes of taking a leap forward. It's not an easy situation and I think the step back to leap forward is the "Least Woarst" option.
:down: August of 2002 we gave back 10000.00 in pay and benifets and they filed
a few weeks later,dont take the bait this time IAM CWA AFA ALPA
callgirlcindie said:

Anyone would be crazy to do Res for $13.10 an hour..plus holidays, weekends, nights, etc. There is a better world out there!
There are jobs that I would gladly take $13.10 an hour to work, Jobs with a lot less stress and agrivation and pleasant working conditions. This is NOT one of those jobs. I would NEVER do what I am doing now for $13.10 an hour. What we in customer service and res currently do is worth every penny we make. And then some! Dealing with the public in the airline business is not the same as dealing with the public at the Safeway or Starbucks.
PineyBob said:
Everyone talks about the "free market". Does anyone know what kinda rates we're looking at for CWA type work at say Verizon? or AT & T? I know the non union Verizon Wireless entry level is just under $13.00 in suburban Nashville, TN. I think that needs to be looked at. because I know the cell companies are hiring. Not in droves but they are hiring.

I think the assumption is that most Res/gate/ticket type work is in the 7.00 to 10.00 range per hour and that US employees are "lucky" to have a proposal for $13.10/hr. I know that Spirit starts out in ACY for $7.50/hr on the ticket counter. Question is how long to they stay there?


One major correction is due. The proposal was a TOS of $13.10 and a bottom scale of $7 something an hour. There are numerous companies in my area that start a pay scale between $10 to $13 an hour - Verizon being one of them. As a matter of fact one of my relatives started at Verizon a few years ago making more than $10 an hour.

Just to answer your question. I looked at positions available for Verizon in the PIT area. They had a job posted for a Customer Service and SAles Rep for a full time position in Collections. The pay scale ranged from $429.50 a week to $951.50 a week based on a 37.5 hr work week and experience. The low end is .03 less than what I make now at U. Increases are given every six months and training is paid.
Hmmmm, Verizon here I come?
Any guesses on how many f/a furloughs will ensue with the passing of a new agreement?

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