AFA Green Ribbon Campaign (stop contract violations)

On 7/29/2003 6:56:17 PM PITbull wrote:


The snake is disturbing...can you please delete. I hate snakes.


Hey PITbull,

Not a snake. That'd be a coldblooded, lungless, bottom dwelling, amphibious salamander. Lower on the evolutionary scale than a snake actually and much slimier! Their main diet is worms, grubs and other slimey things they can reach as they skulk about in the muck and debris. Their brains are a little smaller than a grain of salt on one of our pretzels.

The best thing, of course for such a malevolent salamander is to let it dry out. Better for all of us to engage those with something of substance to say.

Piney Bob wrote:

"You don't see the union bosses taking the same percentage wage cuts as you do you? You don't see the hypocracy there? Have they cut the dues you pay by the same percentage as your wages? If your own leadership won't do these types of things then why should US management?"



Teddy and Mollie and the rest of the LEC presidents are flight attendants. In their capacity as union representatives they are compensated the same as if they were flying (i.e. flight loss pay). Which means precisely that they have taken the same cuts as everyone else.

And they put in far more hours working as union reps on behalf of the members than they would if they were working as flight attendants.

So please reconsider your accusation of hypocrisy.

Kinda of funny when the anti-union folks have to resort to personal attack because they lack the knowledge and facts.

Unions, the people who brought you the 40 hour work week!
On 7/30/2003 12:39:06 AM PineyBob wrote:

On 7/29/2003 11:52:52 PM LavMan wrote:

Kinda of funny when the anti-union folks have to resort to personal attack because they lack the knowledge and facts.
Unions, the people who brought you the 40 hour work week!

Not anti-union as a concept and you know it! Anti union as the bloated dinosaurs they are today.


Well, Pineybob,

If that's how you feel, you should be supporting peoplemlike Teddy and Mollie who are amongst those who want to change the way unions function.
