The Truth behind the AFA-CWA Merger
The absorption of AFA by CWA holds no one responsible for the fiscal mismanagement that led your union to this point, will not correct the institutional failures of the AFA. Despite the fact that the members of AFA never approved expenditures for the Delta campaign, AFA spent approximately
eight million of
your hard-earned dollars on this doomed effort.
While the current international staff was designed to represent over 50,000 members, we now have approximately 36,000 members. That represents an almost 30% decrease in the number of members represented. However, there has been no reduction in staff positions at the international office and the CWA agreement provides that none will occur: that equates to overstaffing.
Remember that
YOU, the line F/A, control the union. The LEC’S Presidents that wish to remain in office are supposed to adhere to the wishes of the members they were elected to serve. If they do not, then the local membership has the power and the obligation to remove those LECP's from office.
This process should begin with the PIT LEC President.
The AFA International Secretary-Treasurer, Paul MacKinnon, publicly
withdrew his support for the proposed merger with CWA in presentations before the MEC and BOD.
· Mr. MacKinnon admitted that the information the IO has presented to the members is decidedly one-sided, omitting any unfavorable information.
· Mr. MacKinnon disclosed that the union is not, in fact, facing the dire financial crisis as previously portrayed by the IO. Rather, Mr. MacKinnon revealed that the union currently expects to break even at the end of the year.
· Mr. MacKinnon admitted that further belt-tightening at the IO could address any financial difficulties facing the union.
· Mr. MacKinnon’s disclosures clearly indicate that there is no immediate financial need to consider a merger with CWA.
· CWA would gain ultimate control over AFA’s resources if the proposed draft merger agreement with CWA were approved.
· When confronted, Pat Friend was ultimately forced to admit that the agenda item she had presented was specifically and intentionally designed to leave the line flight attendants she was elected to serve out of the ultimate decision-making process as to whether AFA would merge with CWA.
The members have two options with the schedule vote:
Surrender control of your union and your dues money to the Communication Workers of America (CWA). CWA is a 700,000-member organization with different interests, experiences, and obligations from those of flight attendants. While the IO has claimed that CWA will not raise your dues for four years, we expect your dues will rise dramatically after the four-year period. In addition, CWA will retain ultimate control over the union’s expenditures.
Increase your monthly dues payment by $6 and retain control.]