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Aca Buys Airbus Aircrafts

RDUSWF said:
I wish them the best and hope they come to RDU. We need more LCC service here, so that it can keep the Big "overpriced" Boys in check.
I'm certain that ACA is planning to serve RDU, and IIRC they plan on flying that route hourly.
ACA's Delta Connection agreement allows Delta to cancel the agreement with 90 days notice, however, ACA can then force Delta to purchase and/or assume the leases for its 328JET aircraft. This appears likely to happen if Delta cannot reach an agreement with its pilots; the 328JETs will then presumably be placed with ASA or Comair.

Or to Chautauqua or sisters Republic or [maybe] Midway. Trouble is no one is enthusiastic about taking the 328JET, however there are no ready replacement RJs available (new or used). Think about the big 87 airplane hole that opens up if ACA moves its CRJs from UA* to Indpendence. 😱
I believe that ACA is forced to honor the 10 year contract with United. How will ACA sidestep that and begin operation? I realize that UAL is trying to let them out of the contract but was told that UAL would NEVER allow that until they had found replacement service. What will ACA do?
tadjr said:
Independence Air is the new name. Nice looking website and look on the Rjs.
Independence Air Website
Anyone else get a little sense of 'deja vu'?
IAD hub...similar name.

Maybe they'll have a candidate charter one of their aircraft next summer/fall like Dukakis did with Presidential in '88... 😉
Now, if we hear that they're going to take the RJ85s that Northwest/Mesaba is parking ... 😛
I believe that ACA is forced to honor the 10 year contract with United. How will ACA sidestep that and begin operation? I realize that UAL is trying to let them out of the contract but was told that UAL would NEVER allow that until they had found replacement service. What will ACA do?

This goes back to the original problem. United must renegotiate its Express contracts at lower rates. Skywest and Air Wisconsin have new contracts in place (they, in turn, had to get contract concessions from their employees). The Mesa and Trans States contracts are post-bankruptcy and are at lower levels. The ACA contract is at the pre-bankruptcy rates. United really doesn't have the option to maintain its existing contract with ACA in order to successfully restructure. If ACA doesn't agree to lower rates (and it says it won't) then United's only choice is to cancel its contract with ACA.
Well, first off ACA and UAL have both been after the judge to exhonerate UA from the DH contract. What will probably happen is a slow-but sure scale down of DH flights from the UA network. AWAC & T-States will pick up as much as they can, with Mesa in the background.

Mesa will end up being the big dog at IAD, from what I hear, and that they may even bring in Air Midwest Beech 1900Ds (hum... wonder if the old Liberty Express Airlines cover-up will be bleeding thru the old USair paint jobs!)

I think ACA will do quite well with their LCC...

In regards to the Mesa/ACA aquisition, anyone ever look at Mesa's line of credit compared to ACA?? *** KOFF *** I don't know why Mesa would continue to go after ACA when they just burned the rest of their credit *** KOFF *** buying A319/A320 aircraft instead of CRJ's **** KOFF ****